Astiroth walked and listened as Kiena spoke. Astiroth thought the conversation was going well. She didn't show signs of displeasure in the conversation they were having. He looked to see another girl walk beside them and began to here her speak. He looked at Kiena as she spoke. Astiroth waited patiently for Kiena to finish speaking. "Listen Riki. There is no need to worry about Decado. He is all bark and no bite. Besides, you just exposed his biggest weakness in one simple argument. The man has a big ego. He may act likea leader, talk trash like a leader, and even treat you like he is the leader, but there is a reason he is never assigned as a team leader. His ego gets in the way. I'll give you a prime example. The arrogant idiot calls himself a blade master. He is around thirty and he thinks he can call himself a blade master. That is a prime example of his big ego. You pissed him off and got him to snap in one simple argument. In a fight, all you have to do is talk more, his ego will get the best of him and will be bound to mess up. Even if he is a better swordsman, his ego is simply his biggest flaw. That's why he will never be a leader."