Okay, I have the Grandmother and Granddaughter who run the dorm both up now, and one character of my own up. I may or may not introduce Tai the first day(if at all tbh, still don't know if he'll fit in a fun way), depending how I feel about it. I'm going to pump out one more profile while I'm on a roll. I didn't do a heavy proofreading, so if you notice anything off/weird about any of the profiles or have any questions let me know. :) And yeah. I think I'll regulate by 6 hour intervals, and give people frequent little reminders of about how far through those 6 hours they should be. I'll also probably make a point to specify times during my posts when possible. EDIT(7:26PM): Shae added. For now, she's going to be the only character I really start with in this RP on the first day. I may change my mind later once I see some of your characters though. :)