Decado chuckled softly as Arthur spoke to him about Riki," You could always bend her over your knee and spank her with the flat of your sword if she tries anything like that again," That cryptic smile on his face left a small doubt as to whether he was joking or not," She's a good egg, and no mean fighter with that blade of hers. She's quick, and she's deadly, but not as quick or deadly as she thinks she is. She needs to learn her limits to expand them," He shrugged his shoulders which had the eagle flutter it's wings in a panic. [i]The guy in the hood is talking shit about you to this Riki girl that you like so much.[/i] Decado smiled, almost grinning and looked over his shoulder to where the character in question and two women that were now talking to each other. Their voices were low, and the distance made what they were saying to each other a muffled jumble, but eagles did had some keep hearing. Or maybe he had read the guy's lips from inside his hood. [i]I never pay much attention to what the hooded freak says. His only skill lies in his tongue, and not even the tongue skill that the ladies can appreciate. You should. He's a skilled negotiator. I've seen him work miracles before that you blades would only be able to do in... a couple of hours of hard blood-letting. You can't always negotiate, my feathered friend. You can't always hack your way through life either. Worked pretty well so far for me[/i] Decado's grin was triumphant as he looked back again, waving to the hooded man, [i]Besides, if they were going to send a negotiator with us to fight with orcs, they might have sent us with one that could at least speak their language.[/i]