[quote=Meow] SOrry I was at work and uh......okie I guessDesu is kind of like the English word "is", but it's hard to explain without bringing up the existance of the words iru/imasu or aru/arimasu. On it's own, iru/imasu is like defining something that is alive. While Aru/arimasu define of something that is not alive. But in the Japanese language you should not learn the meaning of Japanese words by trying to put Englishs word to them. Instead learn them by putting it in situations. For Example:The Sky is Blue. Correct use of desuThe pizza is here. Correct use of arimasuWe are here. Correct use of imasuOr if that didnt help I could just write in japanese from now on if that would be better O_O.Watashi wa mohaya nihonjindesu kinishinai. Watashi wa tada no nekodesu. Watashi wa tonikaku, nihongo de kaku no ga kantan sono takusan, watashi wa jissai ni sore o konomu. Watashi mo nihongo de rorupurei suru koto ga deki, koko de kanodesu thats no nanika areba. Subete no watashi no nihonjin wa ya no tewoageru!!!!! Kore wa shojikina tokoro, watashi ga kitai shite ita kangei no taipude wa arimasendeshita O_OOr will me writing in kanji be better? I could always switch keyboards xD [/quote] The forum's main language is English and the mods tell people who come in here speaking other languages to use English so others can understand them, so I suggest using English. Maybe sometimes writing in Kanji if you want to screw with people. Welcome to the forums, by the way. Sorry if me, Hank, and Lucian seemed like jerks. Lot's a people come into the forums causing trouble with their wapanese so most of Spam has become paranoid of people who say they're Japanese. I'm Broby. We might see each-other around sometimes, especially if you happen to wander into Spam (which is a hell-hole that most people fall down into and can never climb back out of.) This is the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/1]News[/url] subforum. You can learn about NuGuild's history here and hear about the legacy of OldGuild. This is the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/38]General Interest Checks[/url] subforum. Put up an interest check for an RP you want to start if you want people to know about your idea before posting it. These are the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/3]Free, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/4]Causal, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/5]Advanced, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/6]Arena, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/7]1x1, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/42]Nation, [/url]and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/39]Tabletop[/url] Roleplaying Subforums. I have to warn you, if you go to 1x1, keep it in your pants so our Almighty Lord, Mahz, doesn't get burned by Google again. For stuff unrelated to roleplaying, there is the Offtopic Area. The main three being [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/30]Spam, [/url][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/32]Member's Lounge, [/url]and [/url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/33]Offtopic[/url] If you need help, look down towards the bottom of the main page and if you want to show off artwork, go to the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/35]Gallery[/url] Have fun with your new life on the Roleplayer Guild!