[center][b] The Imagineer Aeternus || Nexus Mystic Forest Affected Players: Wandering Fool[/b][/center] --- Ah, she was beaming with happiness as he took her hand, digits running along the smooth surface of her fish --surprisingly fluffy for some reason -- and opting to input it's name as "Ying" for the amusing circumstance that left them lucky enough to grab two event pets in their first go. [i]"Ah, no worries, thank you for accepting-"[/i] ...A...Hug? ...Her hands reached out, trying to figure out what to do for a moment before her hands wrapped around his back in order to nestle into the hug. ...Warm...He was...really warm. She was actually disappointed when he let go, though didn't show it as she placed a smile on her lips instead. Imagine...truly was having fun. [i]"...Ah, you see...This is my first date. Ever...I mean that as more than just a virtual means, on top of that. I've never spent time with someone like this..."[/i] ...Yeah. This was her first outing where she actually enjoyed herself. Where she called it a date. Where she...was happy. It made her happy to be led, to follow him, to even express curiosity of an appropriate nature. The look of wonder she had as he questioned her experience with a rifle was only outdone by her awe once he began shooting, light in her eyes as she observed each orb being shot down and a soft laugh coming from it as a result. [i]"N-No, no. I have never shot one, but it looks fun! And the prizes...! Ah, they have little plush toys...Can we get a matching pair?"[/i] ...Matching?...Her face brightened at what she just said, mouth covered for a moment as she looked back up to Wander before offering a simplistic shrug and moving her hand to show that awkward but content smile once more. ...It wasn't bad, no...not at all. [i]"Ah...That is, if you'd want one. I know I do. Can you teach me how to aim right? I don't wanna waste your gold by being a goof at working a rifle the wrong way."[/i] --- [u]Status[/u] Hit Points: 100%/100% Sanity: 150/150 Level: 4 Status: RESTED Pet: Mystic Snow Fish [u]Inventory[/u] Health Potion x1 Sanity Potion x2 Gold x204 Pellet x10 [u]Black Thought Result[/u] [hider=Possible Status Ailments] 1 : Blind 2 : Silence 3 : Terrify 4 : Curse 5 : Sleep 6 : Sickness [/hider]