[hider=Super highschool Level Fashion Designer: Rosemary Ivy] Name: Rosemary Ivy Super High School Level Talent: Super highschool Level Fashion Designer Appearance: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/171/c/0/human_kanaya_by_zorn_sable-d545w1z.png[/img] Personality: Rosemary is creative and mature young woman, loving landscaping and fashion while also into drawing and painting. She is also really dedicated to her pursuits, almost to a obsessed manner. She is very kind and pragmatic person but she does see the necessity of violence if she has no other choice. She will gave people her shoulder to cry on and to say soothing words to calm people down. She is brave to dangers for her friends. But she does have her limits, She will not take anyone's bullshit. For she will stand up for herself and her friends without a second thought. She will fight back if she is really forced too. And she is willing to do unsavoury actions if for the better good, even to moral extremes. she also has a bad habit of being nosy and her mighty need to know everything about her friends problems, even if they reject. Biography: Rosemary was born into a simple family in a simple house in New your city. Her parents were happy to have a child, especially a girl. Since the pair made a bet that they will wait stop having kids until they have a daughter. Their family life was simple when growing up, her father was a stay at home father and take care of her while her mother was a hard worker in one of the hospital as a surgeon. From a young age her skills were known far and wide and the city. From far back as preschool she had a better sense of fashion than many parents, and she could mend any clothes with a pair of scissors and string. Her skills only gotten better and better with age. Until recently where she won a fashion show that was meant for famous fashion designers, and she win hands down. This put her in the Orion Academy for her skills. As the Super highschool Level Fashion Designer [/hider]