Shoko's eyes narrowed as she listened to Remi. Considering how young she was, it never crossed her mind that she may have been married. "So, your husband left you?" Shoko said, letting out a sigh. "I see how that may have left you disillusioned. Whoever this person was, I'd wager any day that they are a fool. Shallow minded individuals cannot see when something special is right in front of them. All that matters to them is reinforcing their own standards, their own ideals, it is best you forget people like this." She said, as they exited the forest. "A doll of a human being will not satiate your thirst for affection. If you wish to find someone to love, you must work for it, understand?" The two of them arrived at the castle, and made their way upwards via a spiral staircase. Passing through a hall adorned with lavish carpeting, they entered a round room with a large table at it's center. "It seems we're the first one's here..." Shoko's crimson eyes scanned the room, seeing that none of her soldiers had arrived yet. She pulled out a wooden chair, and took a seat. After a few minutes, Shoko felt the shadow clone tasked with taking care of Ryuza vanish, it's experiences transferring to her. Ryuza had awoken, and was now headed towards the meeting room. The girl soon entered the room, looking very tired. She glanced groggily towards Remi, and then Shoko. She had already been told the reason why she had been chosen to become a Jinchuriki, as well as the next plan of action that was to be discussed here. She glanced back to Remi. "So, Queen of the storm, is there some sort of Jinchuriki club I should know about? Maybe we could get together and play cards or something?" [center]~~~[/center] Leaping through the treetops, Natsumi noticed that her mother was uncharacteristically quiet. She thought that perhaps she was focused and on the look out for an ambush, but that had never stopped her from talking on a mission before. "Mom, something wrong?" She finally asked, feeling awkward around a silent Chizuma. "Mom?" She leaped closer to her, and saw that she had a glassy look in her eyes. "Mom, you have that weird sentimental look to your eyes..." She said. Chizuma turned towards her daughter, a wiggly smile on her face. "Are you alright dear?" She asked, sniffing as if she were on the brink of crying. "I dunno, are YOU alright!?" "It's just, you've never had to kill before, I'm glad you handled it so well but..." "Oh..." Natsumi wasn't trying to think about it right now. Killing the enemy had been easy, but she couldn't say she was happy to do it. "I'm fine mom, killing is something we ninja have to do, right?" "Right..." The two of them were silent as they continued through the forest, it wasn't long before they arrived at the enemy barracks. Takeo, her grandfather was already here. Natsumi rushed to stand beside him. She was glad to see him again after so long, but upon seeing that Kenta was also here, she decided now was not the best time to celebrate. She'd known Kenta ever since she was a child, he was a kind man, an honorable man, which is why she was shocked to learn that he had enlisted to become a ninja of the Empire. Natsumi brandished her fans, and stared him in the eyes. "You must surrender, I don't want to see you killed..."