Guo Fu followed his elder brother into the town square, as he watched his brother set up the wares, and finish setting it up. Guo Fu slung his backpack from his back and plopped it onto the ground. He peered down into the grass as he saw a lone pebble, which he picked up in his left hand. He peered at the stone for a bit, as he curled the fingers around it. He stroked his mustache with his right hand as he nodded at the pebble. "Hello Da. How are you?" -I have been stuck in that grass all day, and they kept mocking me for being a pebble.- (... Da started it by insinuating that we were only fit to die.) Guo Fu paused for a moment as he glanced at the grass below him, where he plucked the pebble, he then glanced at the Pebble. "Did you start it Da?" -Okay, maybe I di..- "Da... what do we say?" -Fine I'm sorry grass...- "That is better." Guo Fu gingerly placed the pebble near the satchel as he stretched out his back, and looking around the village center.