The young woman looked towards her Empress and bit her lip. "Mitarashi...marry young. To get most younglings before age sets in. Clan leader dreams of nobility." she rubbed her neck. "Mate...gone. Left for sister." she replied quietly before she continued to follow Shoko. Quietly, the young woman began to count her steps to keep the bad memories away. She could remember things like this very clearly, and it pained her. She didn't know what it meant to work for a mate, her family had chosen him even though they knew little about her. She'd been kept and raised by the Hornets of course, so not even her parents really knew what or who she was. If her own parents didn't was anyone else supposed to know? She figured Shoko was the only one whom knew the most about her outside of her adopted family, but even then...Well, Remi's was a difficult mind to understand. She could be well spoken one moment and then utterly incomprehensible the next. Such things as intimacy or even love could take months of watching and constantly seeing to understand. "Mother Neferti reads to me before bed. I like her stories..." Even now, her Queen Mother made sure to summon her every night to read to her. An act that took years of repeating so that Remi associated with motherly love. The queen was always busy, whether seeing to her brood or caring for injured workers and drones. But she always made time right before bed to read to her or to tell Remi a story. To her, that was love. Remi was pulled from her thoughts when she realized Shoko had taken a seat. She unconsciously took a standing position to her left and behind her. She needed to proximity to recenter herself with the Empress as an anchor. She didn't comment on Shoko's observation, it wasn't needed. But she did look to the new container of Shukaku. "Swarm. Queen of the Swarm is what the soldiers call me." her tone was factual, not a hint of arrogance or pride. "The others meet every other Friday for Go night. Shogi is on Mondays in the Northern Rock Gardens. Don't dig in the sands there, Cicada Hornets sleep there and will not take kindly to being awoken. They do provide a pleasant atmosphere with their harmonic humming sounds and gentle aroma they secrete into the sands. Especially on warm days or nights. Quiet." she answered. "I don't play. But I do keep win/loss counts and game averages."