Hey, Dunn, wake up back there. We're nearly there." Groggily wiping his eyes, Zeke pushes himself up off the cargo seat of the C-130 and stretches his back. He flips down the microphone on his headset. "Yeah yeah, I'm up." He stumbles over to the first pallet of supplies, checking the straps and chains for landing. "I really wish we knew what was going on. I mean Christ, we've been flying people and supplies around for nearly the past week nonstop." He goes on to inspect the other three pallets. "Descent checks complete, I'm going back to sleep." The voice of Davis, the flight engineer, buzzes in his ear. "Alright, cool. But check in on the co first, he's been in the lav for a really long time. I'm a bit worried for him." "Heh, he probably fell asleep in there, I'll get him." Swinging himself back around the pallets, Zeke walks towards the lavatory at the front of the plane. He knocks lightly on the door as he glances out of the cockpit. "Hey, Cap'n Brown, come on we're starting our approach." Getting no reply, he eases the lock open and glances inside. "Hey, you alright?" He sees the man slumped over the toilet, not moving. Zeke goes up to him and shakes his shoulder gently. "Sir, wake up." He doesn't feel any movement under his hand. He reaches around to touch the a captain's forehead. It was ice cold. He quickly feels his neck, trying to get a pulse. "Holy shit. Guys, Brown is dead." He walks backwards out of the lav and towards the rear of the plane in shock. "What do you mean, dead?" Davis gets up from his station and looks through the door. He also goes up to him and checks for a pulse. "What the fuck happened?" He stumbles back to his station, and sits down heavily. "We have to call someone..." Major Carlson, ever practical, reaches over and clicks the radio on. "I'm on it." A faint noise comes from behind him, and he turns to look. "Nice try guys, Brown's right here." He clicks the radio off again. He watches as Brown grabs onto Davis' seat, bends down, and sinks his teeth into Davis' neck. He reacts with horror as he listens to the desperate screams. "Brown what the fuck?!" He scrambles for his pistol, and points it directly at Brown, who looks up and grabs for Carlson's arm as he takes aim. Zeke turns as he hears three blasts of gunfire. He rushes back up into the cockpit as Brown's body falls to the side. He takes a quick look at Davis, who has already gone still, dead. "What the fuck happened?!" He looks at the pilot for an answer. "I don't know, I don't know! He came and just ripped his throat out!" He gestures to the body on the floor before turning back to the controls. "Oh, shit, we're losing airspeed. We're about to stall out." He looks down the throttle and notices them turned all the way down. He must have hit them in his panic for the gun. "Hurry, strap yourself in!" Zeke dashes back to his seat as he starts to feel the plane falling out of the air. He buckles himself into the seat and prepares for a crash landing. The warning bells soon come on over the intercom, and he braces himself for impact. Five seconds later, the plane hits the ground. It seems like an eternity of screeching metal and smashing of trees into the fuselage. It was over almost as quickly as it started, though. Zeke opens his eyes, and is instantly hit with a painful light coming from the destroyed cargo door. He feels weightless as strong hands tug him out of his seat. He manages to snag his backpack as he is helped out of the plane. He is hit with a sudden rush of adrenaline as he realizes that he's still alive. He looks up at the battered face of Major Carlson. "You got us through..." Carlson glances down before collapsing to the ground. "Yeah, I guess I did... I was able to level out right before we hit. We skidded to a stop. Last I was able to make out, we're about 30 or so miles north of Pendleton. Maybe more..." He closes his eyes as he loses consciousness. Zeke drags himself up to his feet and takes a few extra steps before passing out himself.