Kaya sees the alpha approach, she rarely talks to the superiors up close and alone. She sits up straight trying to impress with her good posture and nods once after receiving the order. She was excited, she was rarely trusted with important tasks. Mainly because people still saw her as a pup. Although she didn't want to show the alpha how excited such a minor deal made her. She walked up towards the den, keeping her straight nearly royal posture as she walked. Mainly to impress the superiors, but also a little bit because of the pride she held for finally being approached by the woman she intends to be and by the alpha himself. The thoughts gave her a happy thrill, a wave of goosebumps down her spine causing her fur to stand up making her look somewhat puppy fluffy. She approached the group by the corner of the den trying to blend in. She was going to join the hunting party, with the adults. She was an adult. The thoughts kept sending chills down her back. [i]I'm ready.[/i]