[center] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loy6hiQMBp1qjzwfpo1_500.jpg] [b]Full Name[/b] Takaeda Aren (first name Aren) [b]Username[/b] Ōkami [b]Appearance[/b] [img=http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k604/orggilala/8ec81cc83446d0963d03c5abb09048b5a756b1a6.jpg] [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Personality[/b] As much as I want to provide his personality details, I have yet decided on a particular one. He may be a bit random for the few moments of the roleplay, but overtime he will grow to be a specific type of person. Unfortunately, that is all I can give to you for Aren's personality. I apologise in advance because I do not want to create a character with a specific personality and then fail to achieve the said personality! [b]Bio[/b] A graduated highschooler who's free time is limitless! He recently got out of the terrible life of a student and he's ready to face the real world. However, just as he decided to relaxively enjoy a game of Elder Tales, things got out of hand for Aren rather quickly. The Apocalypse happened and frankly everyone in his family is worried for him. While inside he is having a blast-- A surreal life even, he worries for the people who took care of him back in the real world. Since there was no way to return to reality at this stage, Aren fights hard to achieve whatever he could to the top as a Tailoring Monk in the game. Despite of the difficulty that the Fox Tail seem to pose, Aren finds them to be very nonrestrictive and unique. Even after achieving the envied highest level of the game, his abilities remain to morph and mutate in all forms. Aren met Aurora quite early in his journey to play the game. Her being mostly his partner, he's developed his own crush towards Aurora but cannot admit it himself as he thinks that he's only interested in the appearance of her avatar than her real appearance. Similarly, Aren met Lily around the same time he had with Aurora. Unbeknownst to whom Lily truly was, he continues to converse with her from time to time during his trapped life in Elder Tale-- to even building a crush to Lily too with the same fear. And then there was Bootsy. Aren finds him to be very friendly and accommodating to Aren. Never once has he let a person down and he's never seen him to be in a state of extreme emotion besides his very melancholic and 'floating' personality. He's a person of example. For Aren at least. [b]Race[/b] Fox Tail [b]Level 1-10[/b] 90 [b]Class[/b] Monk - Tracker [b]Other?[/b] [b]1049151895=okami import FoxTail import skdb[/b] [u][b]Godly Palm Strike[/b][/u] An 88-hit combo strike that deals physical damage and greatly reduces the opponent's defensive rating for 15 seconds. The Palm strikes are so fast, that the user seem to posses more than two arms. [u][b]Vaiśravaṇa's Grace[/b][/u] Greatly increases the evasion, defensive and offensive rating of all party members [u][b]Mrtyu-mara[/b][/u] A powerful attack that ignores the opponent's defense. [u][b]Vaiśravaṇa's Fist[/b][/u] Sends a punch to the earth and distributes the force around the user, causing huge fragments of the earth to emerge devastating those standing on solid ground within 8 metres of the user. [i]"Matte... Anata wa on'nanoko no tame ni watashi o machigaeta no ka?"[/i] [i]"Wait... Did you just called me a she?"[/i] [/center]