Kenneth grinned as he looked across the table at Jimmie. "Yeah. Apparently I make a better motivational speaker than a martyr, for which I am eternally grateful," he replied. "And I'm glad to see that you're still alive and kicking as well." His expression settled down as Jimmie inquired as to why he was here, and he became more attentive, less relaxed, though not by much. "I'm looking for a 'Gus Foreman', and from the info I've got, the Akimitsu Cartel has him. So, I need to know if they do have him, and what he's done to get so high on their shit list." Jimmie smiled, knowing that Kenneth was always a man a of business, especially regarding Church activities. Huffing lightly, he prepared to share the info he had. "Well, Gus Foreman is quite the interesting fellow. He recently was hired by Meridan Con. to work in their security division. Gus specializes in forming emergency response algorithms to critical situations. I hear he is one of the best in the biz." Jimmie sat forward, and looked around to make sure no one was eaves dropping. "But here is the interesting part: He hasn't been kidnapped, as you might have thought. No, he actually sought them out. For protection from someone. Not sure who though..." Jimmie paused, then continued. "Apparently, his latest project has caused him some trouble with someone. No doubt The Church wants to get to him before he gets himself killed. Though why they want him, I have no idea. Did they tell you what they wanted him for?" Kenneth listened to what Jimmie had to say, an eyebrow rising in interest as Jimmie revealed that Gus hadn't been kidnapped, he was actually seeking refuge with the Cartel from someone. That was an interesting revelation, as well as what Gus had been doing, involving security work for Meridan Con. That opened up some guesses as to who would want him, and why. After all, how best to get through security than to have the person who made it under your power? He shook his head. "Not much more than to retrieve him from the Cartel. I'm sure their intentions are just though." He leaned back a bit, glancing around as well just to make sure nobody was paying them undue attention. "Now then, I don't suppose you have a line on where the Cartel has him stashed away. If someone's after him, then it would be best that I get there first." Without hesitation, Jimmie continued to elaborate on the plight of Gus Foreman. "Rumor has it he is stashed away in one of their safe houses, along the shore front. Security is pretty beefy at the moment though, and that theya are keeping a close eye on him. Follow this guy..." Jimmie projected a photo in front of Kenneth, of a stern faced man of Hispanic descent, with a tribal tattoo across his face. "That's Guermerro. one of the cronies in charge of his protection. If you wait for him at his apartment lock, which I'll send to you, and follow him, he should lead you to Gus. Now, anything else I can do for you?" Sitting back, Jimmie watched Kenneth, waiting for his reply. Kenneth nodded in understanding as Jimmie told him what he knew, rubbing his chin as the details were laid out. He looked over the image that was projected, memorizing it and the mans face so he could recognize him later. So, he'd just have to follow him to find Gus, and then he could rescue him. Well, i might not actually count as a rescue at this point, but that was beside the point."Actually, yeah," he replied with a slight grin. "I don't plan on going in there naked, so you got anything I can use? Maybe a lock cracker, hijacking security cameras, some weapons besides your standard issue taser?" If security was as heavy as Jimmie indicated, he'd need some clever tools to get in and out with some chance of success, forget even a hassle in doing so With a sly smile, Jimmie winked in understanding. "Sure, I thought you'd never ask. Fire power wise, all I could get for yourself was a 9mm. However, if you go to this address tonight, there's some hardware that'll help you get in there. By the way, you can thank me later, when you make it back alive. And we're even now, so no more favors, ok?" With that, the man stood up to leave. "I have to get going now, hot date tonight, you see? Good luck, and have fun, buddy." Jimmie started to walk away, and fazed out, a sign he'd logged off. Kenneth nodded appreciatively, "Last time, hopefully," he replied, still sitting as Jimmie rose. "Alright then. Who am I to stand between you and true love? Catch you later." With that, Jimmie was gone, and he was alone in the club. A small icon hovered nearby, having appeared when Jimmie passed the address across, but Kenneth didn't open it. Instead, he rose as well and walked away, mentally keying in the 'Log off' option as he did so. The landscape fazed away and he found himself sitting down again, and he was quick to remove the gear that was necessary for Cloud access. As it was, he didn't have much to do besides wait for tonight to arrive so he could get the gear from Jimmie's people. That in mind, he finished preparing, and left to go to work. appearances had to be kept up after all, and it wasn't like this would interfere with the continued shepherding of the faithful. Salvation and paradise would not wait