Lola smiled at the bartender. [i] "Another one please." [/i] She had lost track of how much she'd been drinking tonight. The world was spinning and people looked way hotter than when she first came to the club. She twirled around on the barstool with a drink in her hand watching the bartender pour more tequilas. She glanced towards the stage seeing Analise in the corner of her eyes waving. She was unsure of whom she waved to but any attention from the band was good attention. She smiled, trying to somewhat look seductive but after all the booze intake it probably looked clumsy. She stumbled off the chair, although managed to land on her feet pretending it was her intention to randomly slide off the chair. She added a twirl making it look like a ridiculous dance move. She swung the tequila shot back and squinted her eyes shut. [i] "Finally... The band is about to start." [/i] Considering herself number one fan she elbowed herself to the front of the crowd making sure she could get eye contact with the band members - if she was sober enough that is.