(mostly posting due to adding Aya XD) ==Blade== As Blade spoke to the strange man with the huge ass weapon, the girl by his feet started to throw up. He did not know if she was sick or if it was due to the transport or whatever, but he knew that the girl would not be able to protect herself if she is throwing up. Taking a deep breath Blade took a step forward to stand between the sick girl and the non human male. Even if his sword would be useless against such a scythe, he had to do something if he attacked, he could not let the girl get hurt while she was sick. ==Runa== As she noticed the girl throw up, she felt bad for her. She always hated it when she was sick and she would have liked it if she could heal that with her water as well, but she could not help the poor woman. and even if she could she would most likely not act that fast either, the man with the scythe was giving off a strange vibe. Then she noticed how the guy with a sword moved to stand between the sick girl and the dangerous man. She giggled, the man was kind and brave enough to protect someone even if he stood no chance, she liked a man like that. ==Aya== between all this confusion Aya slowly started to wake up confused at all this noice and more at the place where she was. last she remembered was going to bed, yet here she is, in her sleepwear, in a forest like one of those she had read about, between people she had never seen before. She tried to grab something, anything, to cover herself, but she could not find anything but dirt, so she did the next best thing, cover her front with her arms. She looked up wishing this was a dream where she noticed some girl high in the tree's ==Runa== Runa noticed that an other person had just woken up and had seen her. Again Runa had to giggle as she motioned the new girl to keep quite. ==Aya== it was a strange and surprising thing to see the girl in the tree motion her to be quite. So Aya took her eyes back to the ground around her, a man standing between a sick girl and something else. a scary person that was no human. She moved backwards while remaining sitting, away from the man with the scythe until she bumped against something. Looking it was an other human man. Aya her face turned red and she quickly looked at the ground. "s...s..sorry" she said quietly.