Rose pushed her way through bushes. She decided that walking was probably her best bet to getting to the military camp. She had gotten a ride from a group of survivors earlier in her travels and they drove her most of the way, but that ended quickly when they had a run in with a few infected. She was now alone and scared, but knew that her only chance was to make it to that military camp in Pendleton. She did not walk along the road, for she knew that people would travel on the road and it would be more dangerous. From what she was able to pick up, the infected's sense of hearing was great and they would be drawn to the sounds of tire on pavement. Her only choice of navigation was the sun, and as long as it shone on her back, she was most likely going in the right direction. A loud rumbling sound shook her out of her deep concentration and a plane flew over head. She watched it as it dove down and disappeared. The sound of the plane must of stirred near by infected because the woods behind her started to rustle and come alive. "Shit! No, not now." Rose jumped back as a hand shot out, followed by a chomping pair of teeth. She took no time to hesitate and bolted in the direction that she was heading a quickly as she could. Her legs were screaming at her to stop, but her adrenaline kept her moving. Rose ran as hard as she could until she couldn't hear the growling anymore. Finally, she just had to stop. Panting heavily, she placed her hands on her knees and tried her best not to vomit. Another rustling in the bush pushed her into a panic mode. She quickly grabbed her dual machete off her back and prepared herself to attack what ever was going to attack her first. A rife poked out of the bush, followed by a soldier. He quickly aimed it at her face. Rose dropped her machete and raised both hands in the air. "Are you lost?" Said the soldier. His voice was raspy and monotoned, she was unable to tell if he had good intentions or not. "I'm looking for Pendleton." "Are you alone?" She nodded, sadly. Even though it is much easier for her to travel alone, she wished she had someone with her. Facing the end of the world was scary, it's a lot scarier when you're alone. "Follow me then, Pendleton is right past these woods." Rose let out a sigh of relief as it felt as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She scooped up her machete and followed close behind the soldier to the camp.