[img=http://cdn.shadowruntabletop.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/SR5-GM-Screen-Front1.jpg] [youtube]H4hhijKuVW4[/youtube] Begin Message Transmission ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Message: Shadowrunners City: Seattle Greetings shadowrunners. My name is Mr. Johnson. I am hiring a new runner team. I work for a corporation which at this time shall not be named. Jobs will be paid for in either tech or your choice of credits. Jobs may require extensive travel which will be managed by me. You will have access to an account with a small amount of funding for mission completions. Runners must be able to complete missions to their entirety, with no qualms or second guesses. Missions will include espionage, assassinations, and other activities that will require you to man up. If this sounds like your kind of job please answer the questions below on my video feed. After the selection process I will have you meet your team members at an undisclosed location and give you your first set of orders. -Mr. Johnson- Name: Race: Age: Class: Weapons: Tech: Equipment: Background: What qualifies you for this position? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Transmission Game Info: Mr. Johnson has sent out a video message on the matrix to several runners. Your reply to his message will be your CS. Once several CS's are approved I will post the first IC post. The group will begin operations around Renton in Seattle. Mr. Johnson is a handler for Lonestar Corp which is a subsidiary or umbrella corporation of Horizon. The Renton area is a quiet community during the day with an undercurrent of anti meta-human and gang activity at night. There has been alot of open violence between the gangs lately and the corporations have been forced to hire more police officers to quell the unrest. Using the hiring of police officers as a cover, Mr. Johnson is building a team of Shadow Runners for running missions. GM Stuff: Okay guys & gals here's the deal; Shadowrun is awesome! just had to get that out there. If you're not familiar with Shadowrun I've placed a link at the bottom of this post with information about it, it's a great read whether you're familiar with Shadowrun or not. I'm going to be a little picky with the characters, because I want this RP to succeed. With that being said whenever you fill out your CS or application; the more details you use the better chances you have of being accepted. Please answer the question [What qualifies you for this position?] as if you were on a video feed, talking about your character. If you're used to creating Shadowrun characters these will level 1 or 2 characters. The premise is that Mr. Johnson is building a new team and will be testing their skills through lesser missions before trusting them to the bigger ones. If you have made it this far in my ramblings thank you! If you have any questions or comments or comments please PM me or come see me in chat. #Shadowrun CS Notes 1. Please keep in mind these are lower level starting characters 2. Magic is uncommon (Not everyone will be able to use magic) 3. Tech is very common so slot up 4. Starting characters will have 20,000 Y (which assumes they have already had some experience running) 5. Shadowrunning is dangerous and illegal in some cases, it isn't something the common person would do, so have a good background. 6. Your money is for rent and equipment we will assume you have food and necessary expenses Helpful Info ~~~~~~~~~ Shadowrun 5th Edition Corebook is [url=https://ia601207.us.archive.org/11/items/Shadowrun5thEd.CoreRulebook/Shadowrun%205th%20ed.%20Core%20Rulebook.pdf]here[/url]. Equipment List is [url=http://www.shadowrun.us/materials/Shadowrun%20Sourcebook%20-%20The%20Ultimate%20Shadowrun%20equipment%20list.pdf]here[/url]. Shadowrun background information is located [url=https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.harebrained-schemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/shadowrun_primer.pdf] here[/url]. OOC is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/48641/posts/ooc]here[/url].