As impeccable timing goes, Cora only heard a few words from Will on whether or not their team was coming to the rescue. The military tent flaps flew wide as a Vygorn commander and his entourage entered their chained dwellings. Fear was demanded in their presence.  [i]"So you know each other. All the better." [/i]He glanced at his associates. [i]"Take them to the truck."[/i] Cora snapped an apologetic glance at Will before their cages were unlocked. She offered herself up without a struggle, letting them grab her by the arms and lead her away. Partially because she wanted to walk with her own two feet, but she also knew deep down they could overpower her at a moment's notice. With Will and his escorts right behind her, they were marched outside.  Dawn broke the night sky with bright yellows and orange hues, but Cora only caught a glimpse of the colours before gravity shifted and she slammed into the back of the military vehicle, the air kicked from her lungs. She groaned, feeling the metal bite of the cuffs around her wrists as she struggled to sit up. Two Vygorns sat on either of the small benches, someone slammed the truck doors shut, and they were speeding off seconds later. The sudden movement dropped Cora on her side again, and her stomach twisted nauseously. Swallowing hard, she eventually dragged herself onto one of the benches, resting her head on her hands as she tried to make the dizziness stop.  [i]Where are they taking us, I wonder...[/i] It was either an awful short ride, or her panic attacks made time seem faster. After lots of ripping around on both pavement and hard dirt, the truck came to a halt and the doors opened to a hot wasteland with trash heaps she didn't recognize. The Vygorns accompanying their captives hauled them out of the truck, forcing their legs to buckle in the trash a short distance away. One of her cuffs was released for a moment as they changed to have her hands locked behind her back -- she wasn't sure if they did the same for Will. Someone slipped a cloth over her mouth, and Cora grimly thought farewell to speaking for a while.  Hairs on the back on her neck felt like live-wire as Vygorns took up positions behind them and all around. Her most disliked alien out of them all, the Vygorn with the red streak in his hair, took up his place behind her, scoffing as he patted her head with mock pity. She could feel his eyes on her even after refusing to meet his gaze, the only grace she could maintain while gagged. His touch made her twitch.  After discussing amongst themselves, the commander nodded, his gaze searching the hills. [i]"Good. Now, we wait."[/i] [i]Wait? Wait for what?[/i] Cora frowned, sending an anxious look to Will. The Hygron didn't seem concerned, as she should have assumed from Water. His eyes shimmered with power, and she nodded.  [i]Wait for them...[/i]