Batman has had it pretty rough. Nightwing is now Agent Grayson and working for Spyral, Batgirl is separating herself from the rest of the Bat-family, Red Hood is an international gunman running with the Outlaws, and Red Robin is among the roster of the Teen Titans. The last Robin, Damian [biological son/clone of Batman] was thought to be murdered by another clone of himself, an aged anti-Batman called the Heretic... but it was all just a ruse. Damian, 13 year old former assassin and former Robin, has now taken his place at the head of the League of Assassins with his mother Talia Al Ghul. Their mission is to bring Batman down, and to take down the man you have to strike him in the heart... Gotham. With Batman's team scattered, and the Batmen Inc. disassembled, Bruce Wayne was tasked with finding new heroes to fill the gap and protect Gotham from the criminal element as well as the oncoming war with the LoA. Some with powers, others without, heroes one and all. How will this new team defend Gotham, and what lengths will they go to save the man that gave them a second chance? So yeah, this RP will have us making a new cast of Gotham Knights to help defend Gotham against the inmates of Arkham as well as the LoA and Damian. Batman himself will be written out fairly early in the game to draw out the newest heroes. You don't have to be Bat themed, obviously, all of his former sidekicks weren't. The last time I had a similar game I used a religious themed hero called Priest for example. But they do have to have the vigilante type qualities found in most of the Batman characters. Character Sheets MUST include but aren't limited to: Name - Alias - Age - Powers - [if any] Skills - [try and limit yourself here, NOBODY should be on par with Batman himself] Equipment - [again, try and limit yourself...] Personality - [3 words or less if possible, go into detail if you feel the need...] Appearance - [description or image, I'll make a few micros too...] BRIEF Bio - [2 paragraphs, no more no less] Notes - I've already got an idea for a character, don't hate me but it's another take on a man with duplication powers. He will own a club in downtown Gotham that could very well serve as our base of operations since we won't have access to the Batcave the entire game. WIP character sheets can be posted here, once accepted they can be reposted in the OOC. Once the OOC is posted CS's will need to be sent to me via PM to be accepted to keep from cluttering the OOC with a bunch of CS's that're unaccepted and generally just confusing folks. I gotta go into work for a few hours but I'll be back around 9 EST... Now who wants to kick some Gotham underworld ass?!?! ~KL~