"Easy now..." said the less feral wolfman showing some restraint in his new more human looking appearance. The yellow female creature blinked her eyes a few times and tilted her head. She walked towards the somewhat hairy individual after being struck by the new hero on the scene. She blinks a time or two again before swatting at the beast man like a fly and sending him through a boat that's anchored down at the dock. When the group of young heroes begins to stand ready once again she turns to one of the Dittos and spits a bluish green jelly like liquid from her mouth that burned the hero's suit. After an attempted strike from Shock with her souped up steel pipe staff the young heroine was also swatted away like a mere fly. The yellow creature from the depths of the ocean slashed at a few more heroes before evading a few response attacks and making her way closer back to the edge of the docks. It wasn't much longer before she vanished into the ocean almost as quickly as she appeared out of it. No rhyme or reason. Almost as if she came into the city JUST to get info on this new superteam. But with Aquaman dead, who in the ocean would care enough about the YJ team to send someone to test their skills? The heroes dusted themselves off an began piling back into the sky cruiser.... "My heads hurt..." Ditto1 said before reabsorbing his two duplicates, all three took a bit of a beating. ~KL~