Footsteps fell rhythmically forwards, each soft thud of the weight being pressed into the ground precise, as Kinuko moved unfalteringly onwards towards her destination. It would not have taken her a noticeable amount of energy to merely sprint over to her target's location, but the pace that the two of them were travelling at led to a fairly amicable midpoint in which Kinuko could research what she needed to and Kaede could perform whatever duties she felt were necessary. Hurrying things along would not do anybody any favours, and Kinuko of all people was not one to rush fate along. With each precisely placed footfall, she thought of the state of the battle that she had avoided the thick of, looking around her environment for clues as to precisely what had transpired. The nature of several of the corpses littered chaotically across the field indicated particularly violent deaths, and the difference between the armour the empire wore and the assorted clothes that the rebels wore allowed for a brief if shallow identification of anybody nearby. The proportion of corpses seemed to have pegged the rebels as having won, but Kinuko had caught glimpses of the signs of an exodus on the Empire's behalf, and it seemed that her brief observations would not hold up to close scrutiny of the available facts. Without breaking her immaculate stride, Kinuko waved a hand in a random direction, launching a single strand of silk from a finger and hitting one of the headbands tightly clutched in the dead hand of a rebel. The force with which she pulled it back to her was severe enough to cause the metal placing to slice through the dead flesh and drag the corpse a little from its resting place - but she felt no pity for the dead. She had not known the woman in life, and she would not know her in death - there was no disrespect. There was only indifference, though some would be unable to tell the difference. Examining the headband in her hands offered more satisfying insights into what had occurred in that particular brief skirmish, and while she could not be sure of who had died first, it seemed that the rebel had killed the Empire soldier, but not before sustaining a lethal wound and slinking off to die rather than wait and seek help from the Hyuuga that she was heading towards. Perhaps she was unaware of the healer that was nearby, or perhaps the wound was grievous enough that she could not be reached in time before reaching a point from which her health could not return. Without a medical shinobi to perform a post mortem, Kinuko would have no way of knowing. She idly twisted the headband around in her hand, and contemplated the fate that had befallen him for a few brief seconds, each thought whizzing along in her mind to the metronome-like sounds that she was creating as she walked. As the distance that she covered increased, so too did the volume and intensity of her thoughts. It did not take her long to realise that she had overstepped her mark slightly, having mistimed the time it would take for the unnamed ninja and her entourage to reach the current location. She had heard tales in hushed corners for many years about the kind of people that Konoha had counted among its best - and the whispers that she had collected predating the empire came in useful in situations such as these. Of the primary members of the elite of Konoha, there were only two that she could think of predating the Empire that could have matched the silhouette of the woman she had briefly seen and felt. Of those two, the scion of the Hyuuga clan was significantly more likely than the granddaughter of Takeo. The mere feel of her presence gave off an indication as to what Kinuko could expect from her, but she would not base her opinions solely on feelings. That would certainly be unwise. Still, at that point, there was nothing to do but wait for Kaede to encounter her - a rapidly approaching unknown was hostile, but a stationary unknown was vulnerable. It would create a significantly less dangerous impression if she patiently waited to be spoken to, rather than to speak. If the woman was indeed a Hyuuga, it was fairly likely that she'd have seen the earlier violence attributed to her - she had saved an ally, it would seem, and was perhaps worthy of more time for that fact alone. It was doubtful the Uchiha would have died without her assistance, but it would only have been a matter of time before stragglers found him. Which side those stragglers belonged to would decide a lot of his fate.