Knox zoned out listening to the loud music for a couple minutes. His eyes had drifted over toward the bar area where people were sitting. Some of them didn't like much older than he, so he wondered if he'd be able to cop some drinks for himself too. He was considering the thought in his head when he heard the wooden chair moving across from him. He turned his head to see an Asian boy take a seat and give him what seemed like an exaggerated smile and tilt of his head. [i]“Hey there. Are you lost or something?”[/i] he asked, still smiling. Knox rubbed his eyes quickly and blinked. The boy looked strangely familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on where he had seen him before... Maybe it was his smile, which gave made him feel a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless, nothing about the boy came to mind... Not that it mattered anyway. "Not really," Knox replied, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Although it'd be nice to find a place to crash tonight." He laughed and didn't expect Minato to put up an offer for him. [i]“The fighter, Deon I think he is called. What can you tell me about him? I heard he's good, I should maybe bet on him,"[/i] the boy continued. Knox glanced at the cages, but there still wasn't anyone fighting yet. He looked back to the stranger and shook his head. "I've never heard of a Deon before," he replied nonchalantly. "And there's no way I'm wasting what little money I have left on a fight. I would've got my ass kicked by the bartender over there if I hadn't had any cash on me." [i]“Oh, by the way..."[/i] The boy's change in tone made Knox raise an eyebrow. [i]I think those two...”[/i] He gestured toward a boy and a girl sitting not too far away from them. [i]“...might be watching you. And probably me now. Don't know why you are here, don't really care, just be careful, cause I think that people like that don't care for your age, your money or anything else. Just a friendly heads up, okay?”[/i] Knox glanced at the duo again. The girl was blonde and looked super hot, and her male companion looked scary. Was that... a robotic arm? Yeah, no, Knox did not want to screw with him and his girlfriend. "Why the hell are they watching [i]me?[/i]" Knox asked aloud. There wasn't a reply, and when he turned back, he saw the boy was gone. "Huh...?" Then Knox spotted him—he was heading up toward the stage area. "Hey!" Knox called out, getting up to run after him. When he caught up he stepped in front of the enigmatic boy and frowned. "Damn dude, talk about a cliffhanger. Why'd you just get up and leave like that?" he asked. "And follow up: why are those two keeping an eye on me?"