Nyx lifted the sweet-tasting tea to her lips and took a sip before she heard strange voices approaching the door. Quickly, she set her tea down and stood straight as she waited for her new mistress to arrive. When she did, Nyx was actually quite impressed - she was beautiful and seemed kind enough, until she said she would have to punish her other slave, of course. She didn't want to get into the bad list of another slave already; that was too dangerous for her. So, she figured she would have had to cover it up slightly or make sure he didn't get punished. "I'm sorry... Momo... he told me I could sit but I refused because I thought it was a test. If you are to punish anyone, punish me." She murmured as she bowed her lead slightly. Of course, she only needed access to her new mistress so she could begin working her magic on her. Once she became her favourite slave, then Nyx could start making demands and getting them met. Obviously it wouldn't be easy for her - Momo clearly had some high standards and even higher demands so it would be harder for her than older masters and mistresses. Smiling though, she shook her head at her. "I'm the one who deserves to be punished... then you can rake some of my blood as well."