[center][i]Prince Aeternus ll Nexus Town Gates Affected Players: Maximellio[/i][/center] [b]"Bring it kitty."[/b] Prince smirked, his eyes watching as two of the strange man appeared, surrounding him and pushed him. Being a agile and quick individual, he landed on his hands and front flipped into a standing position before bolting after his target, only pausing a few times as his status effect held him in place briefly. Still there was a mistake the thief seemed to have forgotten. Whistling loudly, the white wolf pup bounced out from the hat and latched itself upon the stranger's face. Snarling and scraping its paws against the person who dared disrupt its beauty sleep. This gave plenty of time for Prince to catch up. His body never slowing down as he lept with his feet out, heels digging into the mans back to make him fall over once again. Casually, Prince dusted his white coat off before snatching his hat and placed it on top of his head, before snatching some of the coins from the mans purse. [b]"You know what they say, takes a cat to catch a cat burglar!"[/b] he purred as he lazily twirled the purse on his index finger. He didn't take it all however, only the money that was stolen from Vick. Prince wasn't a thief nor did he really want to leave this man with nothing. Even if he was a little bit of a jerk, he was still just human. Even if a tiny small part of him wanted to rip him apart. Grinning he whistled to the wolf pup whom bounced over to him, tipping cutely as Prince picked the pup up. [b]"Good puppy! You caught the big bad kitty cat!"[/b] he cooed, earning a sloppy lick to the cheek. The red haired man flinched again as static ran through him. Damn, he was tired, paralyzed and all he really wanted right now was a drink at the bar and a nice good sleep. Mhm guess rest would have to wait. Too bad Ares, or some justifying individual couldn't take his place at the moment. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/897119][img]http://imageshack.us/a/img841/8455/atrs.png[/img][/url] HP: 40% SP: 20% Status Effects: Paralyze Level 4 [i]Inventory[/i] HP potions: 6 Sp potions: 9 Wooden Harp: 1 Cinnamon Cookies: 5 Gold: 62 Wolf Pelt: 1 Wolf Fang: 2 [u]Enemies[/u] [hider=Playlist] Track 1: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpwJJonlLY]Gravity[/url] Track 2: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B8UeeIAJ0a0]Iris by Goo Goo Dolls[/url] Track 3: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sXXPe7jBP7Y]Onaji Hanashi[/url] Track 4: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fPERg2HqO_Y]Numa Numa[/url] Track 5: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uUKttV-BPLw]Conqueror of the Sky[/url] Track 6: [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhpQWXOffY]Escaping the Kraken[/url][/hider] [center][i]Mystic Aeternus ll Nexus Town Square Affected Players: Rose, Prince, Sorta Maximellio[/i][/center] Face instantly brightening as she leveled up as well, dancing a little in place in her excitement, she blinked as Rose bought another sweet and traded it for hers. Smiling gleefully at now having a full treat, she eagerly gulped it down. It was delicious! And she had been quite hungry, she had forgotten last she eaten. Maybe breakfast when Fluffy came over to cook for her.. [b]"Thwank you!"[/b] Mystic mumbled as she rubbed her mouth to rid of the sticky leftovers, giggling a little as she saw that Rose had just about done the same in devouring the bun. Curiously tilting her head toward the commotion, standing on her tip toes in a attempt to see what was going on, she rubbed her head a little with her left hand. [b]"Cat? Well she wasn't back home... But she did like cats and she sometimes moved and felt just like one."[/b] the little girl answered as she tried looking to where Rose was pointing. Then, two men came bursting toward them, a tall red haired man wearing a white cloak with long furry ears and a red tail, chasing down one. Blinking, she squinted her eyes closely. This person was wearing a eyepatch, but by mere features, tallness, colors of the eyes and hair... It must be Fluffy. [b]"FLUFFY!!![/b]" Mystic screamed loudly before bolting toward the tall figure, almost falling flat on her face a few times thanks to her dress. --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/907689][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img631/7699/48962a.png[/img][/url] HP: 100% SP: 150% Status Effects: None Level 1 [i]Inventory[/i] HP potions: 5 Sp potions: 10 Gold: 50 Gold [hider=Relationships][b]Ares:[/b] Stranger [b]S.V:[/b] Stranger [b]Moon234:[/b] Stranger [b]Sick Vimith:[/b] Stranger [b]Lilith:[/b] Stranger [b]Wandering Fool:[/b] Stranger [b]The Imagineer:[/b] Stranger [b]Xenoko Feng:[/b] Stranger [b]Rose:[/b] Friendly [b]Sarebii:[/b] Friendly [b]Prince:[/b] Friend- Nice and funny person who is like a older sibling. Nicknamed 'Fluffy' [b]Winter:[/b] Stranger[/hider] --- Both Prince blinked as he suddenly heard a familiar voice, his ears witching as he glanced to his left to see a charging small figure. A little girl? Squinting a little, he soon froze as he instantly recognized his neighbor from back home. [b]"Ally?"[/b] Prince murmured before stumbling a little as he was tackled by the little girl, her face faceplate he into his lower stomach. Blinking, a mixture of emotions started to form on his shocked frozen face. Terror, surprise, and absolute rage. Despite how he wanted to start yelling, he kept his composure and returned the hug. [b]"Ally what are you doing here? I told your parents not to let you play this until I safely tested it out."[/b] he said softly, though grumbled a bit about idiotic parents. Mystic looked up at him and tilted her head curiously. [b]"Fluffy why is your voice so deep? You look more like a boy before. Did boys infect you with cooties? Did you turn into a boy because they touched you too much? Don't worry I still love you! We will give you a huuuuge bath!"[/b] she started rattling off until Prince covered her mouth since it was apparent she was not focusing about the question he asked. [b]"Ally, I'll explain later, but right now I need you..."[/b] Prince started until the wolf pup was snatched from his grasp. [b]"Puppy!"[/b] Mystic chirped as she gently hugged the white wolf pup and rubbed its ears, making Prince give a sigh but smile slightly before looking at Maximellio with a look that said 'if you dare try anything with her... I'll do worse then kill.'