Name: Velarion Race: Velarion Population: 4,554 Color: Green Symbol/Flag: The Velarion Flag is a white field with a green tree in its center. Starting Tile: Forest Biography: According to Velarion mythology, the Velarions are the children of the god, whom they named themselves after. Velarion, the god, is the Lord of Forests, Giver of Life, Guardian of Nature. As this is obvious by now, Velarions highly regard nature, to a point of worship. They do not take lives, including those of animals. Due to this, the Velarion diet is comprised of berries and plants. Velarions also do not fell trees. Instead, they make their homes high among the tree, weaved out of plants and other natural resources available to them, those that would not offend their god and beliefs. While Velarions do not kill, they are still militarily proficient. They must defend their holy forests from nonbelievers. The central military force within Velarion are the Green Wardens. The Green Wardens patrol the borders of their forests. They are experts with bows and lethal with spears. They also use long knives, which are closer to a short sword. Foreigners found merely wandering with Velarion is warned and told to turn back and leave the forests of Velarion. If they do not, they are killed on the spot, as are defilers of Velarion.