[quote=Meow] I-uh...don't even know whats going on anymore O_O [/quote] Me neither, but you passed a test so I'll side with you. :golfclap (P.S. Google translate automatically makes it kanji, although there is a hiragana/katakana translation in small print beneath it, but it's all the more doubtful she'd translate by going to the small print. P.S.S. And she would have to have worded her sentences in English weird to get to the Japanese in her sentences because the standard translation goes to different word choices/grammar/level of politeness in some areas) I'm studying Japanese, by the way. I only know the N5 and N4 vocabulary out of the test that goes up to N1. I had originally wanted some really good games that are only out in Japan so I started up and just got in a habit of studying on my phone while I'm in the car or exercising, so basically things when I'd normally be wasting time so it's good to study something. It keeps my brain active too while I'm out of school and drastically increased my ability to properly study.