[quote=ulsterwarrior] Name: VelarionSpecies: Velarion(Sub-divided into Forest-Dwellers and Ocean-Dwellers)Description of Government: Velarion’s Government can be classified as an Elected Monarchy. A King is elected from the Forest-Dwellers, as is a Queen from the Ocean-Dwellers. The two are married upon their coronation. They rule until one of the Monarch’s die. Then, the other steps down and a new King and Queen is elected. Description of Military: Velarion has a large military for a generally peace-loving people. Green Wardens-Velarion’s army come from the Forest-Dwellers, in the form of the Green Wardens. Their task is to protect the forests of Velarion from anyone that would defile it. They are expert shots with their electro-bows and lethal with their vibro-spears. Currently, the Green Wardens have 8,000,291 Velarions in their ranks. Navy- The Velarion Navy is comprised of Ocean-Dwellers, whom ride upon the great beasts of the vast seas and oceans of Velarion. Originally, the Velarion Navy was similar to the Green Wardens, protecting Velarion’s oceans. Yet, with recent breakthroughs in biological technology, the Velarions have taken to the skies. The naval beasts, using bio-tech, are created into starcraft, capable of the traveling through space. There are 100,000,000,000,000 vessels within the Velarion Navy, of varying classes. That is including the original naval ships upon the Velarion oceans.History: According to Velarion mythology, they are the children of their god Velarion, Lord of the Forest, and Maiul, Lady of the Ocean. Velarions are divided into two sub-categories. There are the Forest-Dwellers, who live within the great sprawling forests of Velarion. The trees of Velarion reach great heights, the smallest recorded one more than 500 stories. Velarions use bio-technology to create great cities within the trees, without harming the living beings, as that would be sacrilegious. Forest-Dwellers do not eat meat, and so the fauna of Velarion have outstanding populations. Overall, Forest-Dwellers are relatively peaceful. The other type of Velarions are the Ocean-Dwellers. Originally, their cities floated upon the waves of Velarion oceans, but as bio-tech has been advanced, they now reside beneath the surface, surrounded by bubbles of oxygen. Ocean-Dwellers are the more violent of the Velarions, reflecting the harsh tendencies of the ocean and the goddess Maiul. Early in Velarion history, there was a war between the Velarions, Forest-Dweller against Ocean-Dweller. The exact reasons for the war are clouded in the fog of time, but it is widely believed that it was started by the Ocean-Dwellers. The war lasted for centuries, and claimed thousands of lives. Eventually, tired of bloodshed, the leader of the Ocean-Dwellers offered peace. He offered his daughter’s hand in marriage to the leader of the Forest-Dwellers. He believed it would signify the union between Velarion and Maiul. Thus began the tradition of Velarion being ruled by a Forest-Dweller king and an Ocean-Dweller queen. For centuries Velarion lived in peace and prosperity. Knowledge was shared, wonders were created, and technology was advanced. The greatest technological breakthrough was in bio-tech, the primary field of science for Velarions. This breakthrough was the ability to biologically engineer the beasts of the ocean into space-faring vehicles. Following this discovery, a powerful political party was formed: the Order of Maiul. The Order believed that space was the true essence of Maiul and the planets and other landforms in space were merely different portions of Velarion. The Order was primarily comprised of Ocean-Dwellers, though it found many followers among the Forest-Dwellers. However, most Forest-Dwellers were isolationists. They believed that they should remain on Velarion, in their forests and oceans. They believed that the bio-tech harmed the creatures that it was used on, and that it went against the preachings of Velarion and Maiul. Yet the Order was able to prove that the technology was harmless. That was it. The majority of Velarion believed that they should spread across the stars. The current queen, Maiuk, avidly supported the Order. Thus, Velarions have begun to travel the greatest ocean of Maiul. They know not of what awaits them, but they will try to uphold the beliefs of Velarion and Maiul as best they can in this new age.Other: Velarions hates mechanical technology. They belief that it is unholy and that all machines must be destroyed. They love nature and will fight for the perseverance of it to the death. [/quote] Make that three I have had to reject. I love the app and concept, but a hundred trillion starships? I find it hard to believe you actually meant to put that number there. Unless you cut that by about a trillion times, I cannot accept this app.