(Editing busy with work but to be continued soon!) [hider=Tracinya Reem ][img=http://exleftist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Rebel-Pilot.jpg] Name: Tracinya "Tracy" Reem Gender: female Race: Human Home-world: Breshig Age: 24 Eyes: Blue Appearance: slender, athletic, attractive, long red hair with purple highlights, Mythosaur Skull and the words "Aliit ori'shya tal'din" tattooed on back, Reem clan emblem tattooed on Right forearm. Profession: Pilot (Past: bartender, mechanic's assistant, soldier) Personality: Country-side girl and tomboy Tracy can be tough as nails, but she has a sweet heart and passion for life and people. She was the daughter that always brought home a new pet, or was in trouble for beating up kids who made fun of her. She's quiet and can be socially awkward. Always ready to talk about something she is interested in, Tracy isn't always introverted and lights up when talking about what's on her mind or new exciting places to see. She is always up for a challenge. She's had her heart broken once or twice and has broken a fair share herself, she remains happily single though she longs for a good relationship. Her focus on the war effort drives her. Reem is a dedicated professional and hard worker. Tracy is loyal to her friends, family, and tradition. Biography: Daughter of Akaan Reem, a MandalMotors executive and Mandalorian fighter pilot veteran. Tracy was trained by her parents as a warrior as per family tradition. Tracy was an only child and like her father, had a passion for flying and piloting star fighters. Handy with a blaster as well as a hydrospanner, Tracy was best known as a star pilot. She won several competitions in the Mandalorian Sector. Tracy joined the Mandalorian Protectors and spent four years training and flying covert missions preparing for combat against the Imperial presence in the Mandalorian Sector. Her father was killed secretly by agents of the Empire when he spoke out against the Empire publicly and was found guilty of supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When Tracy found out the news she left the Mandalorian Protectors and her home to join the war effort. It wasn't hard to find the Alliance, and she offered her skills as a pilot and was quickly accepted into their ranks flying missions in an X-Wing. After proving her loyalty and distinguishing herself as an adept fighter pilot, Reem was selected to transfer to an elite unit: Punisher Squadron. As a Punisher she was not only a pilot but she found herself constantly behind enemy lines and engaged in firefights on the ground as Punisher Squadron took on special missions which required to be more flexible as pilots and agents of the Alliance.[/hider]