[b]Username:[/b] Betelgeuse [b]Character Name:[/b] Felix Ryder [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Normally a rather well dressed individual, Felix looks older than he truly his. Eyes with dark rings from sleepless nights and stubble since he was thirteen years old. The boy's thick, slightly dark and [i]sharpened[/i] nails resemble claws more than anything else, although he tries to file they down as much as possible. He'll often wear his wizarding robes on the weekend while other students opt for muggle clothing, as an attempt to root himself in the magical world as much as possible. [hider=Picture] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/KiET2bR.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Wand] Thirteen Inches, Yew, Unicorn Tail Hair, Rigid [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/6hT98As.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Far from the snarling beast that most would expect, Felix is a funny, kind, curious boy that tries to make friends with anyone he can. Raised without truly knowing the stigma attached to being a werewolf, it was a shock to hear such slanderous things about him in his first few years at Salem. Admittedly, he had written a few owls home asking to leave in his first year, but quickly made friends that inspired him to say. Felix's most defining feature is his curiosity- whether it's to hunt down a better tome in the Restricted Section or to follow his nose into the woods, his thoughts tend to lead him to conclusions before his feet get there. While contemplating his life after school, the young wizard decided that wandmaking was always a trade he had admired above all else. The very device that allows the wizarding world to accomplish their magnificent feats is a field with new discoveries and creations on a daily basis. Since then, he's diverted focus toward the study of wand lore and crafting in the library while he still has the resources available. At the very least, he hopes to be the greatest wandmaker in the country, with a shop in the busiest market. At the most, he hopes to create a wand to rival the Elder Wand. [b]House:[/b] Foxglove [b]Bio:[/b] Marco and Sarah Ryder didn't know what to expect when they were contacted to take in a 'rather unusual' child. They were a pair of squibs that had met through mutual friends and married while attending medical school. The pair were the only medical staff in their rural, Ohio farming town; Sarah a versatile doctor for the whole town and Marco, her skilled assistant and nurse. They were unable to conceive through magical or muggle means and decided on adoption through the Department of Magic. Their joyful, bouncing baby arrived with a government employee that explained his [i]condition[/i]. He had been found three months earlier, abandoned with a note that simply read "His name is Felix". Spending only a week and a half in muggle protective services, the new born was discovered in its crib as a wolf pup, sound asleep. Animal control was contacted and were beaten by the Department of Magic, who vanished with the creature. Partly due to the Department's lax code on abandoned werewolves and the importance of the safety of the other wizarding orphans, Felix was placed in a home as far from anyone as possible. Raised by parents who had been exposed to the magical world since birth but unable to practice magic, they did their best to make the young werewolf comfortable as he grew up a confused wizard in a small town of muggles. Leafing through wizarding textbooks from grandparents on both sides since before he could read, he craved the use of magic in a way that wasn't just his dangerous monthly transformations. On a strict, government-regulated dosage of Wolfsbane Potion, Felix was permitted acceptance to Salem. He was sorted into Foxglove and quickly proved his worth as a qualified, competent wizard. [b]Skills:[/b] -[i]Strengths[/i]: Due to his affliction with lycanthropy, Felix's senses are slightly heightened, allowing him to mainly hear and smell far better than most people. During the rising moon, this is usually elevated to the point that it results in severe headaches and nausea. Potions- This is a skill that Felix didn't have to wait until Salem to start practicing. Ordering supplies through wizarding catalogs and as presents from relatives, he practiced with potion starter kits from an extremely young age. In the classroom, his sense of smell allows him to pick the freshest supply or best ingredient, creating slightly better results. Herbology- Raised in a farming town, Marco and Sarah often joked about the young wizard's "green claw". They let him grow wizarding plants and herbs from a young age, encouraging the harmless hobby that just made their vegetable patch look extra exotic. Transfiguration- Poring over volumes of magical books searching for some kind of a cure for lycanthropy, he inherently refined the necessary knowledge over the years. Cooking- Not at all flashy, but he likes to think of himself as a mighty fine cook. -[i]Weaknesses[/i]: Naturally poor at Care of Magical Creatures, due to the fact that all animals have a general distrust for werewolves, even in human form. Even owls have a tendency to nip at his fingers or flap their wings at him defensively. He's dreadful in Defense Against the Dark Arts, mainly because most weapons and charms against dark creatures tend to make him feel queasy and light headed. Not terrible at flying a broom, but he's not winning any championships any time soon. -[i]Werewolf Weaknesses[/i]:Severely allergic to pure silver at all times. Normally, it causes a rash to form whenever he comes into contact, but a knife made of silver during the full moon will leave lasting wounds. As a werewolf, he will only react to the call of his own kind and will kill his best friend if given the chance. [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolf]Werewolf Weaknesses/Description[/url] [b]Classes:[/b] Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Astronomy, History of Magic, and Herbology. His elective courses are wandcraft related; Arithmancy, for the magical properties in wand measurements and Care of Magical Creatures. . . with disastrous results.