Shai watched as a man came up and took the girl he was talking to away from where they were speaking. She didn't say a word, just left with the man. Shai only wanted a friend. Somebody to talk to and hang out with, but it looked like she wasn't going to be his friend. He sighed and stood up, Shai pulled his hood back up hiding his eyes and hair. He began to walk away. Shai went over and bought some food and ate it quickly. He missed the real world and the smiles of others faces. All it seemed like in here was tears, death and people giving up. Shai walked over to the virtual water of the fountain. He looked in and saw his reflection. He quickly turned away and walked away from the crowded streets, he made his way into a dark alley way. He wanted to take a break from the crowd of players pushing every where. He pulled out his scythe and looked at the curved blade. The black handle he thought it was beautiful. the blade had a big round circle with a ruby in it. this part held the blade and connected it to the handle. He rubbed his handle across the flat of the blade, over the ruby then down the handle. Shai smiled then made his way back into the crowd.