Merrik had to admit he was impressed with the level of sanity and order being displayed by these new tamers. He expected there to be more “Dear gods we get dragons! Let’s see who can fly the highest and breathe the hottest flame!” After all, to the rest of the world, dragons were creatures of myth and legend; hardly something to simply look over. He was sure the sheer intimidation of facing the great scaled beasts and the bond pulling the calm thoughts from the dragons to the tamers had key roles in the way the morning had played out. [i]”Perhaps they’ll make an army yet.”[/i] He thought to his companion. The black drake nodded its massive scaled head in agreement. [i]”However, I should save that assumption for tomorrow night, after they’ve had a day of training under their belts. I’m curious to see which will excel where and who will struggle. We have many great minds and certainly a few worthy soldiers before us. Perhaps there is hope for this land…”[/i] His thoughts trailed off as he noticed the semi-organised flights taking place around him. “Well what do you know Nova? These yearlings look pretty good with tamers on their backs. And there hasn’t been any accidents so far; apparently we collected a group of naturals.” [i]”Indeed we have. Though I can sense tension from a few of them; flying isn’t for everyone. Nonetheless, they’ll have to get used to it. A dragon’s first nature needs to become its rider’s second. That goes for all of them.”[/i] Obsidian Nova’s bloodred eyes scanned his surroundings. He too, was impressed by the maturity displayed and obvious dedication the new riders were showing to the cause. They seemed to realize that they weren’t here for a vacation in wonderland. Humans were so simple minded, the majority of them, so he was glad the oracle’s urges had led Merrik to the right people. As he watched each pair take to the sky and discover themselves together, he kept a close watch on the location of the sun. They needed to depart by noon at the latest for the Forest Garden to get the newcomers settled into their new home. The odd time he would notice a yearling taking up too much speed, or a pair struggling to maintain coordination between body movements and he would send a simple correction to their minds, offering small bits of advice to make the experience easier on them. When he and his rider were confident in their abilities to stay airborne and to do so in a safe manner, he pressed his thoughts into every one of their minds. [i]”Tamers, yearlings,”[/i] His deep, powerful voice entered into their minds, [i]”It is time we depart for the sacred garden of the Tetra Estate. For you drakes, we will be returning there to stay, so collect any possessions from your dens before we depart.”[/i] He was directing this thought to Asmara whom he knew brought bits of her gemstone hoard with her everywhere she went. She was fond of particular pieces and didn’t trust them to be left unguarded. Her native instincts thrived in her, as it did in all the dragons, and Nova enjoyed the characters that were brought out by it. These dragons were his family; he felt like a father to them and had taken great pride in their growth and development. And on today, their most important days, he neared a point of being overwhelmed with emotion as he witnessed their bonds. They were true dragons now. [i]” And to the tamers, you will be seeing your new home for the first time. Upon arrival you will receive further instruction. The flight is about 5 hours by the drake’s wing, get comfortable. We leave in 10 minutes.”[/i] ~~~ The flight seemed to drag itself on. Such a tedious trip after such excitement left Nova aching for rest and Merrik drawing restless in his own mind. Too often the man struggled to stay afloat in the rushing tides of his burdens. Too often did he lose himself in his mind, searching for answers to questions he didn’t even know he was asking. Such was the burden of his position. As the flight neared its end, a vast clearing in the thick woods below spilled up over the horizon. A rush of comfort flowed between Nova and Merrik as they neared their beloved home. The massive black dragon led the diamond shaped formation down through the air currents to a patch of earth before a great, white oaken stable. [Hider=Description of Stable/Garden] The Garden. The great meadow is in the shape of an oval. With the thick tree-line standing like proud walls around the exterior. Lush, long stalked grass covers the land, spotted with blood red flowers. In the center there is a large stone table with the sigil of the dragonlords carved into it as a black obsidian cutout. There are 21 stone chairs surrounding the table and a ring of 10 very large, very old white oak trees; the sole remainders of the grove that once flourished here and offered its boughs to the making of the sacred section of land. A grey stone walkway, large enough to accommodate any dragon, leads a ring around the the trees and extends out in several directions, leading to different sections of the meadow. The paths rejoin along the exterior to form a second that follows the treeline. On the north edge of the meadow is the great stables. On the southern end is a great training ground. An obstacle course of intimidating stature, as well as a large patch of earth claim this side of the meadow and will work as the training grounds for the new tamers and their dragons. Throughout the unoccupied areas of the garden there are fruit bearing trees to provide fresh delights for any who wish to partake, as well as a large, crystal clear pond on the western side that never freezes over. The dragons are often seen cooling off in the beautiful body of waters, though it can only accommodate 4 or 5 dragons at a time. Throughout the meadow there are small gardens, fenced off with low stone walls; in these gardens are many unusual plants growing which are used by Merrik to concoct all manner of potions and medicines. The Stalls. Each stall is large enough to accommodate a thousand year old dragon, so space is no issue for these young drakes. Peering in from the gate at the front of the stall, one would see a large metallic dish in the back, right corner. These dishes are lined with a thick, plush lining and may have blankets or thick pillows scattered about. These are the dragons resting places. Each dish is personalized to suit their owner. Nova's is larger than the others to accommodate his size and is made of the rock, Obsidian. The bedding is blood red and well worn. In the left corner right near the entrance is a shallow pool of crystal clear water, bubbling from the center. Merrik still has no concept of how the water flows into these pools, as they have been bubbling fresh water since before he was born. The tamers of old had many tricks. There is a place near the back wall where a slab of slate is embedded into the floor. Should the dragons wish to bring their kills in, this is where they are to be eaten to prevent the rot of flesh within the stables. The Lofts. In the back left corner of the stalls there is a beautifully carved ladder leading up to a loft. Each of the dragon stalls are open to the entire room, but separated by 12 foot tall woven wood fences, providing as much privacy as is needed among dragons. Above each stall are the lofts of the tamers. The back and two side walls are closed in, proving full privacy. But the front is open to the entire stable, and lined with a 4 foot tall wooden rail. On either side of the rail there are drawstring which, if pulled, will draw a heavy curtain across the rail, providing a fourth wall and extra privacy. The ladder brings the user to the back left corner of the room. In the back right corner is a queen sized bed with the finest bedding. The bed are the original furniture build by the tamers of old and the backboards are each carved into images of the torso, neck and head of a specific dragon species depicted with the drake letting out a proud call, wings extended. The two side walls are lined with bookshelves, filled with books specifically chosen for each tamer by Merrik himself. They consists of history books, geography texts, personal journals of tamers of ancient times, draconic anatomy texts written by Dragos Merrikhai Tetra, and many basic texts on the use of elemental magics and the bond between dragon and tamer. There is a couch with a social (coffee) table set out before it, a desk equipped with parchment and many ink pens, as well as ink and quills should the newer inventions fail. There is a simple basin and mirror against the back wall which may be filled with water and used for personal vanity. Clothing storage is in the form of drawers beneath the beds and a large chest at the foot of the bed will suffice for personal trinkets and other belongings. A large old carpet fills each room, and stained glass windows with unique murals enscripted into the glass adorn the back walls of each loft and stall. The Kitchen And Bathroom. The last two stalls of the stable were converted into group accommodations. The back stall on the right was converted to a bath house. With a male and female side, privacy provided by a large, stained glass wall, about a foot thick. Each section of the bath house's outer wall is lined with mirrors and racks for towels and toiletries, as well as bins for laundry. The kitchen, the back stall on the left, has a large rectangle table, in the center of it which is used in the case of bad weather or casual gatherings. The kitchen itself is high end and filled with foods of all sorts. There is a locked cabinet in the far corner. The Halls. The halls are made of obsidian, to contrast the bleached white oak used to build the structure. Each stall door is adorned with intricate carvings extending from the ground, all the way up and over a magnificent archway above them. The carvings are murals that depict great battles of the old days. There are gold plaques on each door, with the name of each dragon and tamers carved beautifully into it. Let me know if you want anymore detail of the stables. [/HIDER] It’s pale wooden architecture showed no signs of aging, despite it being carved many thousands of years ago; an effect of the old magicks that flowed through these lands. As the group took hold of the earth once more with a low rumbling as each drake grounded their masses, Merrik slipped down off of Obsidian Nova’s scaly back and landed firmly on the grass beneath him. He took a moment to stretch out the muscles in his aching body while the other tamers stumbled down off their drakes one by one. [b]“I welcome you all to your new home. This garden was born many, many centuries ago. This stable is as old as the Order itself and was built by the my ancestor Merrikhai Tetra from the wood of an ancient grove of white oak trees. The magic in their strong limbs offered protection from any outsiders. None can hear our words here, not can spy into our activities, and none can harm us. These grounds are sacred. You will respect them will the entirety of your heart and soul and keep deep thanks in your minds for the security they offer us in a darkening world. Not even the dark lord can penetrate these ancient magicks, though do not assume he has not, and will not continue to try.”[/b] Nova turned his head to Merrik as he sent thoughts to his mind. [i]”I would take my leave now, dear friend. My mind is weary from the events of the day and I would seek retirement in my quarters, but be assured I will be keeping my mind on the young dragons.”[/i] he said, turning to the stable and pressing open the great wooden doors with his talons. No mark was left on the door, despite the razor sharpness of the black claws. As the drake slipped into the vast interior of the structure Merrik returned his gaze to the group before him. [b]“In the stables before you, each of you will have an assigned stall and a loft above it to call your own. The stall in the far back on your left has been converted into a kitchen, the one on the left into a wash house divided into two for the males and females. At all times, you will keep your living quarters in acceptable condition. If I find so much as one plate of rotting food or a pile of laundry letting off its stench, you’ll pay for it in your training. In the center of the meadow, within the ring of white oak trees is a table. From tomorrow, and every day from then on when we are at this meadow, we will meet there for dinner. It will be a time to discuss and strategize as a group. Your training is important, make no mistake, but it is also important for you all to get accustomed to one another, for we won’t often go our separate ways. There is already a feast set out for you to enjoy, you’ve all done exceptionally well today. For today, and today only, you’ll have the evening to do as you please. Be sure to clean up after yourselves when you’re done. I am not your keeper and this is your home now; treat it as such. Your dragons are of course free to hunt whenever they choose, but for the time being, none of the tamers are to leave the meadow. Eat, wash up, explore, acquaint yourselves. The evening is yours. I will retire to my quarters now as I have work to tend to. Should any of you have questions or anything you’d like to discuss, mine is the first stall on your left. Pay respect to Obsidian Nova when you pass through his quarters. On the wall, beneath your nameplates outside your stalls, you’ll find a training schedule. Learn it well for you’ll be repeating it every day from tomorrow until this war is over. I suggest you turn in early, the morning comes quickly and the training is no walk in the woods. Now, I take my leave. Good evening.”[/b] With that, he turned and made his way into the stable and up to his loft. It had been an exhausting day, an exhausting month. But all was falling into place now. He needed to journal about the events of the day. Record details of each tamer and of the bonds he witnessed. He understood the importance of storing information, without the journals of the tamers of old he would have been lost in this venture.