Back home from my weekend in Invermere. I want to say you're all doing really well with what little info I've given. I've wanted to see how well people could do with nothing more than the info I've given, so that I don't have to dictate things too much. However, I've been worrying a bit about how this RP's going to fare, so I'd like to ask just one thing of you all. As GM, I'm not just a referee. If you need or simply just want anything, I'm your go-to guy, and I also want you guys to post in this thread and contact me and other players every now and then. I want to keep things lively here. @DarkRecon: It's all just for rough reference. You don't need to follow it like it'll kill you if you don't. Just do whatever seems to be the most reasonable. I'm willing to help you with keeping track of your character's location too, and I'll be adding Griffith Observatory to the map. @shivershiver: No worries. Lone-wolfing it might actually be better, since you would have all the freedom to play around with your character's surroundings without having to worry about waiting on another player. Your sense of location and how you describe what's around your character is great, and you don't need to worry too much about that frame of reference I gave if it's going to hinder your writing. @Everyone at LAX: I want to be laid-back with this RP, and I don't want to dictate what players do too much. If anarchy is wanted, there shall be anarchy. Let the chaos commence.