*I'm here! I CAN HEAR YOU!* Oh god, it was true, she really did hear someone! And then, before she had time to reply... *My name is Jack! Are you...Are you trapped here also?!* "I... I think so!" she called back, hating even the thought of losing this thin thread connecting her with another person, someone normal... or at least she hoped so. "I mean, I have no idea where here is, I've tried finding an exit but it's just darkness and walls and monsters..." Margaret clamped her teeth shut just as her voice began to waiver, because the memory of the lumbering hulk of a hunter in connection with word 'trapped' made the bile of fear rise in her throat. She swallowed few times, trying to force the thought away and focus on Jack's voice instead. It sounded strange, as if from the bottom of a barrel, or a distant end of a long pipe, and seemed to origin from some place to her right. But no matter how far she'd reached with her hand, the girl's hand found nothing but the still air. To check any father, she would have to tear the other palm away from the wall... Gulping, she pressed left shoulder reassuringly into hard stone, and slid down to the floor. Wall meant direction, some sort of compass in the enveloping them darkness. A semblance of safety in this world of madness. She wanted to help Jack, she did, but... *Hello? Are you still there? Please...please still be there. I won't hurt you, I-...my name is Jack, Jack Simon!* Margaret's head shot up. This time the voice sounded normal, even if not very close. She shot back up and began walking, slowly, in its direction, one hand on the wall, other stretched in front. "Yes, I am! And I'm Margaret!" she called back, for the first time noticing how every sound, even their quiet steps, echoed around the place. "I think..." she paused, biting her lip and trying to figure out where exactly Jack was. "You must be somewhere close."