[hider=Gunslinger Mage Gwendolyn] Name: Gwendolyn Age: 35 Appearance: [img=http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/WildWest_zpsd3129b5e.jpg] Personality: Gwen is a person whose personality is hard to read. She is a skilled actress, capable of putting on the facade of an innocent, curious young girl when she needs to. However, under that mask lies a psychotic woman, prone to fits of insane laughter and possessing no regard for human life, regarding them as a disposable commodity, making her very creepy and scary to most.Though there is a twisted justice behind her methods, as the people that she tends to kill are warlords or other scum of the earth while leaving innocents alive with the excuse that it would be too much trouble. In addition, a good sign of her sense of justice lies in her ultimate objective, which she hides with all her might. In hindsight, Gwen possesses some degree of innocence that her psychotic behavior has not entirely ruined; She appears to have some desire for a normal life, a chance at redemption. History: She would have been born to such a happy family, such a rich and loving one that would have given her everything she had ever wanted, but Gwen was fated to be kidnapped and raised into a magical killing machine, to become known as the assassin Gungnir, a killer for hire that takes out magical or otherwise impossible targets for other people. Her signature is killing them from miles away with just the use of a revolver, even from within buildings. It is unknown why she has come to Ragnarok but everyone claims that she was paid to win it for someone else. Magic: Dimensional Rips: Gwen's main use of magic is being able to make pocket like portals with the use of rune'd ammo fired from her personal duel revolvers. These are able to hold and transport anything though them, and depending on the amount of magic used it can transport bigger objects. Going through these portals gives such things a magical charge, making them slightly harder than their normal counter parts would be. She can see through these portals. However, they can only go the same distance that she can shoot and only remains open for as long as it is supplied with magic. The more portals the more magic used. Yggdrasil Seed: Arsenal: The case at her side is able to produce magical weaponry at will, giving her access to a military at her very fingertips. These weapons are like knight arms in of themselves, with being partly powered by her mana which gives them extra stopping power and toughness compared to their normal human counterparts. Though they do lack the unique effects that individual knight arms contain, they do have their real world counter parts abilities; such as a SMG being able to have a fire rate of fire or a RPG able to create a flaming explosion. These weapons come in all sizes ranging from a simple bow to a howitzer cannon. Depending on the amount of force needed the bigger the weapon. She is able to fire these weapons without touching them but must be touching melee weapons in order to use them. Yggdrasil Seed are the +'s Strength: 4 +2 Agility: 10 +10 She is a master assassin and gunslinger, capable of shooting at a very high accuracy. Constitution: 4 +2 Willpower: 8 +2 Power: 8 +2 Mana: 8 [/hider]