William's red eyes followed her movements as Raphael came down the stairs before stopping upon noticing his master. Small stature, long raven black hair that stopped at his waist, and eyes nearly as menacing as William's own. Raphael was everything William had been told, except that Raphael was undoubtedly a female. A girl. One that he couldn't understand could be mistaken as a male, or maybe he was jumping to assumptions. After all, there was only one way to know for sure, but it mattered not. According to her, Raphael was raised in a forest which easily explained why she hadn't manners of any sort. Why she found it suitable to bring a weapon into the house she would be living in. William was starting to wonder exactly how she'd fare in the dungeon with the others due to her background. "A forest," William thought as his eyes seemed to scan Raphael up and down once more "Makes sense." William made note. A bathe, yes, Raphael definitely needed one. He wondered if Raphael could bathe herself or did she need the others to do so. She certainly would be resistant against either option, but he wanted her cleaned thoroughly. No need for any others to get sick. "You won't find your brother because he is not here. No human here shares your last name. Nor has any other grown up or has ever been to a forest. In their life." William explained as he eyed her. It was more of an intense stare rather than a glare, but he was keeping eye contact with her. "By the way, I am William. Are you male or female?" he asked as he folded his arms as he wondered how he would go about this. There were very few female slaves in his dungeon and both sexes were separated with a few exceptions where small families were grouped together. "I would highly suggest keeping the forest bit to yourself, for your own safety. Come, you will need to bathe before you can be grouped with others. I'll give you the option to do it yourself or have others bathe you. Some humans believe this to be a good bonding relaxing experience." William explained before it occurred to him that Raphael's brother could very well be owned by another Vampire master nearby. "Actually, it might not be so hard to locate someone else found in the forest, don't find too many of those. Pretty rare."