@Kitsune I have zero authority or clout here, so ignore or heed what I say as you wish: On the stats, 12 AGI without Seed boosts isn't allowed, as far as I know. Also, you'll need to justify the ranks in STR and CON, especially seeing as she's an Assassin who's presumably in decent shape. On the Dimensional Rips, so does she inscribe the rune on two different surfaces ahead of time, and then a portal connecting them forms, or does it operate in a different way? And on the Seed, are you giving the different weapons special properties (IE homing bullets, invisible sword, flaming axe) such that she's a sort of GilgameshLite (or rather Pre-CCC Gil), or is it just "magic gun, magic sword, etc" with their only special attribute being their durability and whatnot?