[center][b]Ares Aeternus || Nexus Lantern Festival Affected Players: Alessia, Moon234, Banshee, Daedalus, Aurora [/b][/center] Emerald eyes widened at the bizarre sight of the female player’s extraordinary appearance. “What the hell is this?” Ares asked, keeping his voice low so as to not show any hint of uneasiness. “Just who are you?” The female player looked just like Aurora but that wasn’t possible, was it? Lilith was Aurora, right? Ares sighed. “We’ll talk later, Aurora.” Before the Dark Knight could press any more questions, a second female voice shook him from away his confusion. It was Moon’s companion – ‘Banshee’ as she was introduced. From what Moon had said, she was a formidable player. The male with the fauxhawk did not bother questioning Moon’s judgment; the boy had gone through enough. He decided further questioning would only serve to bring the kid’s morale down and that was not something Ares was about to be responsible for. If anything, he admired the boy’s disposition. “I’m gathering a team of only the best to clear this nightmare; if Moon can vouch for you, it is all I need, Banshee.” Ares flashed one of his exceedingly frequent glowers – a sullen look that lightly touched his lips and shot his eyes to his right periphery. “I will not ask what I, myself, am not prepared to do but if you want to survive, you will meet me before the break of dawn at the Beggar’s Inn – consider this an invitation to the Hellion Knights.” He hated doing this – connecting with people, putting them in danger by asking them to follow him into the unknown – but everything seemed to spin beyond his control and that was what alarmed him the most. At that moment, a second revelation emerged manifested by a ghoulish player. To the point, Ares thought as his eyes caught Alessia’s challenge to the new arrival’s morbid movements – asserting his decision in her appointment. When no one responded, Ares shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve seen a few things here and there, nothing that would qualify me beyond what it is you seem to make of me.” Ares raised his hand gesturing for Alessia to stand down. There was no real damage the player could do if those were his intentions; Nexus disallowed PvP unless a duel was agreed. Ares did not bother equipping his armor and rather took a less combative approach; he wanted to gage the player’s intents. “I suggest you don’t threaten anyone anywhere near me otherwise our conversations will go differently for you…” The Dark Knight warned; his eyes becoming sheer cold and void of emotion. “Speak and do not waste my time.” --- [url=http://tektek.org/av/943217][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img902/9577/9b8be6.png[/img][/url] Hellion Knights Guild Master [b]Level:[/b] 5 HP: 100% SP: 120 [b]Inventory[/b] Gold x202 Wolf Pelt x2 Wolf Fang Wood Club x2 Raptor Claw Marble Beak [hider=Ares' Hit List] - - - [/hider] [hider=Ares' Playlist] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQBNH3UFEC0]Stupify[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8-sMJZTYf0]Bodies[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0M5D5OA-d4]You're Going Down[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btiK4aXrK20]Drop the World[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSF2i0rU_Q8]Indestructible[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAO1l6juL8w]Wrecked[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_kNJvsoaA]Guardians at the Gate[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6W0fyl_0Ng]Till I Collapse[/url] [/hider]