Following her sister after their small, informal greeting that turned into a private conversation, Adeline was left questioning about a million things. Why wouldn't she want to be titled Queen by her own sister? Isn't it such a pleasing thing to hear? Or was she those types who remained so tender and kind to their lower-shelves that such a high title could be omitted? Surely, she's read something like that once, but she couldn't pin point it. This surprise was carried out as her sister started inquire her, leaving Adeline's previous inquiries behind. So, perhaps they weren't as important, or her sister was caught up in excitement over some news or an idea -- oh, news or an idea! Now that caught the princess's attention. She kept her eyes set on her sister, though she shook her head with a small chuckle at the last question. With a small smile, she hesitated to respond to her sister's fulfilling love and attention, but she managed to give her a small pat on the back. That would due, right? Then, she stepped away to converse with the Queen. "Well..." Adeline started, her eyes trailing away from her sister, but then back to her. "I suppose I have been decent, but bored. Sure, there are many, many, many books, however..." She paused and looked down on the books she had, placing them on a nearby vanity, "I do feel like I am running out of some. Perhaps I should explore the shelves more -- there was a story where a man pulled a book from a shelf, and it turned out to be magic and led him into a secret, mysterious dungeon! Wouldn't it be funny if we had something like that? I don't think father was one for secrets, but how will we ever know? I think that's the point of a secret and I'm sure if he had one, he hid it very well..." She chuckled a bit to herself, but then came time to address her sister's last question. Now, Adeline was one for detail, so she made sure to respond to every inquiry. "Don't be silly -- you're being silly!" She smiled, shaking her head as she lowered her eyes down. "Surely, it would be nice, but I have yet to find anyone like the bard's describe. The tall, the handsome, the brave, and the noble... Such qualities are found by knowing someone, though I think tall can be discernible by appearance. Though... I think a few men from the last ball fit the description -- would you remember?" Adeline sighed as she turned away, back to her vanity where she lifted her dress a bit as she sat down. Then, she took the brush nearby and started to tend to her locks. "Less about me though and more about yourself. Is there anything you need?" Adeline asked her sister again, looking up to her with a curious portrait.