Soul Story Online [center][b]Rose[/b] [i]Aeternus || Nexus - Lantern Festival Affected Characters: Mystic, Prince, sorta Maximellio [/center][/i] Rose stepped back instinctively as the red-haired cat person and the colorful man shot past, the former acrobatically planting a kick on the later and sending him to the ground. She almost moved to intercede but caught herself, seeing that this was not a real fight but rather something more personal. [i]Trapped in this death game and these children still waste time on pointless tiffs...[/i] She thought with an annoyed shake of her head. A moment later and little Mystic let out her surprised shout, confirming that the red-head was indeed her friend 'Fluffy'. [i]A... she?[/i] Rose didn't voice this thought for though this person was clearly a boy (or maybe a very bold and flat-chested girl) it didn't really fit that Mystic would lie about such a thing. "So you're the friend this one has been searching for?" The knight said hesitantly as she approached, careful to position herself between the two and the colorful person. "Is everything alright here?" She muttered to 'Fluffy' with a nod in the other's direction. [center]--------------------------------------- HP: 100% SP: 100 Level: 2 Inventory Potion x4 Gold x4 [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [hider=Move Pool][center] [b]Soul Attack: [/b] Aspect of Rage – The Dragoon is surrounded by the fiery spirit of an ancient dragon which burns all surrounding enemies for extremely high damage. [b]Magic[/b] [u]Line Breaker[/u] – With terrifying speed, the Dragoon charges forward with shield raised and knocks down the first enemies struck before delivering a vicious sword sweep that leaves a trail of burning flame. Cost 30SP [u]Challenging Roar[/u] – The Dragoon emits an earsplitting shout that taunts strong enemies into attacking them and freezes weak enemies with fear. Cost 20SP [b]Melee[/b] [u]Ancient Scales[/u] – The Dragoon raises her shield, significantly increasing her defense while lowering mobility, which then emits a gout of magic flames that burn enemies in front of her. [u]Ancient Claws[/u] – The Dragoon strikes twice in quick succession before slamming her shield forward in an attempt to knock the enemy off balance.[/center][/hider]