"Haha hehehe" Riki let out a laugh of relief after being told Decado's bark was worse than his bite. It was the first good news she heard all day. "Geez, I can't believe I actually fell for that guy's tricks. Next time he tries to scold me I'll be ready!" Looking back she smirked as she watched Arthur and Decado several paces away. She might've stuck of tongue out at them but when Decado turned towards them she immediately looked away. [b][i]"So, you're new, right? What brings you to the Iron Wolves, Riki?"[/i][/b] "Food and a warm bed" Riki replied surprising herself with her honesty. "I mean, what else am I to do? I'm not adept at any trades. Can't cook or clean so I'd be a worthless maid. Not even the brothels will take me, something about scaring away the customers. All I have is my sword and it's all I need. Someday I'll become the best swordsman in the land, just you wait and see" as she said so she peered off into the distance, lost in her own dreams. "Sorry for rambling on like that. Dunno what came over me" As they walked Riki's feet started to drag, and she adjusted the sword on her hip so her belt wouldn't droop to one side. "I hope we're close. These boots are stylish but not aren't so comfortable. Why does fashion have to be so painful?"