"My da' said he never liked it, but he used to pretend that he did for my mother. Would you like a piece?" Caelyn offered it out to Mara. She saw the deep inhale and knew what she was fighting back. She was strong, stronger than her. She had always been an emotional cannon. She got it from her father. He had a quick temper, he never lost it fully but it would grow very fast. Maybe if she had a mother around to help teach her how to stem her emotions a bit better. Caelyn shook her head, that was a dark path and she was with new great friends. The way that Mara looked at Caelyn when she mentioned the saltwater taffy. It had to be coincidence, didn't it? Caelyn looked at Mara a bit more closely this time, and she couldn't help but notice. "She's got his nose." She said softly aloud to herself. "Ah Caelyn, you're chasin' ghosts, and makin' connections that canno' be possible." She shook her head, stood a little straighter and pulled herself down into a kneeling pose. "Dear Maker, please guide these souls. I did not know them well eno' to vouch for them all. But I would like to think they were all kind-hearted. Make their eternal slumber as peaceful and beautiful that you can." She said with mist forming in her eyes. Dammit there she went again. Why can't I hold it together right now? "Vera, I no' it canno' be enough my friend. But I hope that it helps them. I am sorry if it wasn't lovely, I've never been too good with me words."