D'awww, awesome job you guys! (^w^)/ Those posts were epic. ;A; Lesley's had some feels. I love how everyone is so worried about him. Gah, this is too adorable, especially his interaction with Leila <3 [quote=Lesley]Growing up as an only child would get quite lonely most of the times and he wondered if this was how it felt like to have siblings. It was that sort of feeling that made one feel fluffy and tingly, wanted and cared for. For all the times in his childhood when he couldn't spend it with a blood related friend, he had gotten it all back just being with these guys. Lesley was really starting to feel like they were family.[/quote] ANON, WHY DO YOU DO THIS? WHY? D: *Hugs everyone* Also, dang, nice banners! I agree with Kimchi, banner three defo fits. It just screams "I know you want me ;)!" //shot So far all the humans have posted >w<)/! I was planning to go ahead and make a move-along-post that would lead them to a secret switch, but I think we need an extra round of downtime for some back and forth interaction. Sounds okay? And Ryver, Thunder, I hope you guys aren't bored to death yet xD we might take a tad longer, but thanks a lot for the patience <3 How are you all doing :)? I hope the mornight is treating everyone well.