Isaac eyed Azelf as the large man was shooed away by the Headmistress, and then, turning back to the conversation at hand Isaac looked at the strange boy, almost evaluating him. Isaac noticed the large muscles and the black, almost chitin-like, but more scale-like, things that took up his entire forearms, and what seemed most peculiar, is that the boy had horns, Isaac smiled as he suddenly recognized the boy vaguely from the year before, they had seen each other but to Isaac's knowledge they had never actually met. "you look vaguely familiar, perhaps I've run into you in the hallways, Jargon was it?" Isaac said, keeping up the semi-formal tone, all the while keeping one eye trained on Azelf, Isaac had a feeling that he wasn't out of the danger zone just yet. but before a lapse could be noticed in his speech pattern he added "I'm Isaac Racham, good to meetchya"