"You must be somewhere close." Jack's claw scraped the wall again, and the boy froze for a moment, remembering what he looked like. One eyed with bone claws. He could pass for one of the monsters almost...but still...someone else. Someone who could help find answers...or just help keep him sane. "...listen, Margaret right? Um...I need to warn you. I don't...I may look scary." He took more steps, eye finally starting to adjust to the darkness. His claws scraped across the wall, but he didn't dare remove his hand from it. It was his anchor at the moment, the one thing he could focus on to keep moving forward in the darkness and to the voice. Something solid. Something that wouldn't lie...maybe. Einz had gone silent, not helping his situation at all. Even if the spirit was a tactless and had taken his eye...it was better than thinking you were alone. "I...I met someone...and he took my eye. My hands are...well...I promise I'm not a monster GAH!" He stumbled, foot kicking something hollow. A skull, a rock, something else, he couldn't tell, but he held still for a moment, in complete silence and darkness. Another step, and something cracked underfoot. He looked around, struggling to see in the shadows. From the cracks in the wall, beams of sickly yellow illuminated...bones. Littering the floor. Skulls, rib cages, femurs, every shape and size of bone littered, cracked...gnawed on. A sharp intake of breath before he noticed the figure up ahead. Please...please be human...and alive. He stepped forward, face sliding past a crack that cast a pale yellow sheen across his gaping socket as he finally met Margaret face to face. Blood was still flecked across his face, trickling out of the socket slowly. His claws had left long scratches in the wall as he stared at her with his one good eye, trying hard to not come off as creepy or intimidating. Probably failing...but maybe not...who could tell in this place. "...hey...nice to meet you."