Appearance: [img=] (without wings, a pair of black shades) Height: 6ft Weight: 230 pounds Hair Color: jet black Eye Color: bright green Skin-tone: a dark caramel Name: Angelo ortega Age:18 History: hailing from the exotic land of Puerto Rico he was born on the heated island like any islander carefully as *ucking possible! he learned the hard way from his father where he got his large body and build from that you had to be tough to live in this life but Angelo's mother who gave him his green eyes and black hair from insisted that he had to learn to be careful and just not hurt anyone if he could help it. although what tourists saw of the island was beautiful it did have its dark side in the cities where people were crowded and it was impossible to get a good job Angelo didn't like to live in some place that had crime just about everywhere you looked although Angelo made sure to keep his head down and stayed quiet he still got into trouble so he learned to move with the shadows and to avoid people all together to this day he doesn't say a word unless it needs to be said but his beliefs are clear as crystal he hates when people hurt others for their own gain. he will be the first one to step in and stop a fight when he needs to but saying a word wont mean anything unless his actions convey the same meaning so he lets his actions speak louder then any words he could say Personality: protective and always quiet he hates fighting and bullies and will accept neither if he can help it he prefers to wait and watch things from a distance unless told to do otherwise. although he is quiet he is also caring on the inside for others that he trusts and that isn't many people Likes: pizza, video games, and his necklace Dislikes: bullies, violence, and salads Other: wears a necklace with a gold angel on it, his greatest treasure from his parents