Appearance: [url=]Clicky[/url] Height: 5'9 Weight: 140 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Cyan Blue Skin-tone: Pale with pinkish undertones Name: Brooke Gilbert Age: 17 History:Born and raised in a family with money and expectations for their children, well at least expectations for the eldest son. Inheriting everything from the parents, leaving the sister to be taught to act like a housewife. This is why she has become a caretaker, though taught in the martial arts from her brother when he still had the time in his hands. The company started to lose money around the beginning of her freshman year, and she started to take up part time jobs ever since. But with prideful parents she spun different identities, some from even old books that were beloved to her. They never asked money from anybody, but her father got into debts and now struggling to pay everything. At the end of such year of high school, the girl was sent off to her aunt's to be able to continue her schooling. Her aunt still possessed money, and only had a sickly son that was still in elementary. Brooke nursed the child, and in return she was able to get an education. At school she was like a second mother to everyone, offering advice and care, helping her earn the official title, well partly official title, of "The Maid". Personality: A girl of refined manners, and a pristine heart, who cares for all shapes, sizes, genders, and no matter if they are evil or good. Some picture her as wise, as she advices most of who she knows. After her childhood was spent learning how to keep a home, she certainly loves cleaning the place up. Mostly due to the fact she can't stand it when it’s messy, even when it’s just an item that has been left somewhere else or something that has been accidentally tipped over. Her attire is usually not shabby, long skirts and blouses even if at home. Very sweet and understanding, she knows when others need space and when they need someone to talk to. Brooke is the type to feel good after good deeds, a sort of tingle in her heart. But she isn't overly touchy with others; maybe she'll even ask permission for a hug or give a friendly but spacey handshake. One thing is that she likes to groom herself a lot, she fixates on her image. But she'd never scrutinize someone over theirs, she may ask if they want a makeover or assume they hopped out of bed looking like that. Her nose is usually in a book, she likes to read novels with female protagonists. Claiming they have so much more relevant plots, at least plots she is interested in. Yet romance for her is but flowers in a vase, look at but don't touch. Then the flowers will die from all that messing around with them, just like any relationship. Likes: Cats, books, flowers, neat rooms, color coded pencils and pens, the color gray, young children, caring for others, reading aloud, and the rain. Dislikes: Dirty clothes, dust, "to be continued", spring allergies, heat, fish (eating it). Other: ~