don't do anything I wouldn't do" Angelo called to Edward as he relaxed in his chair trusting Edward to get them some black market money, he was good to his word about the guns and right now they had plenty to spare thanks to their heist on the trucks but now Angelo had to think of something different a bigger and better plan to show the ultimatum that they meant business they had gun, manpower, and right now their black market handler was leaving to go and get some extra cash. they were well on their way to making their cause that much stronger and their foundation that much bigger. Angelo started to think that maybe they needed to hit stronger targets and instead try to the police stations and the armories to make sure that the ultimatum had to attack the librarians themselves if they wanted to settle any kind of dispute but although they had everything else they still didn't know much about the ultimatums plans and that would be problem in the long run that Angelo worried about. he turned to see redo come back and tell him that the trucks were gone "okay but I don't see any issue with that. may have just been some idiots wanting the trucks