Autumn startled at the sound of a plane nearby. Watching it, he noticed it start to descend, faster then normal. There was a loud crash only moments after the plane dipped behind the trees. Smoke rose in billowy wisps. Autumn raised a hand to his head and ran it through his hair. The whole world was going to shit and it didn't look like it was getting better any time soon. Pushing himself off the ground, he made his way through the campsite until he reached his tent. It was a small thing, big enough for two people if you squeezed. The damn thing also had a rip in the top. Autumn had quickly realized how much of an annoyance this was as soon as it rained. His attempt to fix it was to lay an extra shirt over it. It helped for the most part, but he still occasionally got hit in the face by drops. Reaching to open his tent he saw two girls climbing into their own. One of them was slightly familiar, maybe from a T.V. show or movie? He shrugged to himself. All sorts of people ending up in this mess. At the thought of that he wondered who exactly hadn't made it. What exactly was going on out in the world. That was the thing that was frustrating to him, the not knowing. A few minutes later Autumn was in his small sleeping bag attempting to sleep. He had one of his arms laying under his head to act as a pillow and the other fiercely gripping his makeshift weapon. Under the bag he was trembling, wishing for the lights to return. He still wasn't used to a life in the dark. Sighing deeply as he realized he wasn't going to get much sleep Autumn pushed himself out of the tent and looked up into the sky. He returned to his thoughts, just working his way through everything.