Garoth grinned at the prospect of getting a glimpse of whatever had the Guardians worried before anybody else. Besides, hearing people talk about something was almost as boring as reading about something; if they spied on the meeting, they would only get even more excited about going out and actually seeing something. "Let's go on patrol!" he decided, which was his way of saying that they would look for anything interesting in the woods. "If we do find something maybe they'll even let us tell everyone about it at the meeting. C'mon!" And so, without knowing where to begin looking, without knowing what they would do if they actually did find a monster, and without even the slightest inkling of hesitation, Garoth darted off towards Tall Tree Park to get a good view of the surroundings. Some kids didn't like how bossy Garoth could be at times, but Keyton understood that it was more often than not his eagerness talking than his ego. He didn't like standing around and deliberating about things, so he made his decision quickly and then acted on them.