Name: Allen Ebrin Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Human form: [img][/img] Wolf form: [img][/img] Species: Lycanthrope Powers/Abilities: The Ability to shift back and forth almost instantly. While in human form he keeps his super powerful senses and some of his strength and speed. In wolf form hes super strong, fast and agile, an avid hunter who feeds mainly on game. Items: A white colored sword that glows silver at night, imbued with powerful magic that burns its foes. [img][/img] A black Necklace that controls him when he gets angry. [img][/img] A black leather Over coat that belonged to his father. [img][/img] His Bike he uses to get to work. [img][/img] History: Allen was born into a small pack of werewolves living deep in the woods, only their Alpha, his father Rudy was allowed to leave the hunting ground to go down into town. One night Allen followed his father wanting to see the world as well, Allen watched in horror as 2 Wraiths slew his father in cold blood, then they spotted him, Allen ran as fast as his legs would carry him knowing they were right behind him, but the foolish boy led them back to the den, the two Wraiths were more than a match for the sleeping werewolves Allen managed to rescue his sister from the two wraiths and made his way towards town where he collapsed in the arms of a woman who would later become his adopted mother. Years later he works as a miner to feed his sister and adopted mom...while his new family isn't perfect he loves them and would go to any means to protect her. Crush/Relationship: Ashley Patterson (If WizardGirl doesn't mind of course.) Friends/Family: Little sister Named Eve whom he loves and protects. Other: